



This website, its operator, and any content contained on this site relating to Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes are not authorized by DC Comics. This site is not sponsored, approved or authorized by DC Comics. The opinions of this site are not necessarily those of DC Comics and this site is not an authoratative voice of the views of Superboy, the Legion of Super-Heroes, and characters and situations as written by DC Comics. This site serves as a non-profit scholarly work which reviews, promotes, and documents the elements of "Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes" in comic books and other media during the 20th through 31st centuries. All ideas in this site are expressed as a continuation of thought covering the pop culture associated with Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes. These thoughts are not necessarily the ideas of DC Comics. Some illustrations and words are the creation of others that may or may not have appeared in other publications and/or websites. Their inclusion in this site is not intended as an infringement of their copyright in any way, but rather is done in the interest of documenting and reviewing pieces of pop culture "comic book" history. SUPERMAN, SUPERBOY, KAL-EL, KON-EL, CLARK KENT, CONNER KENT, METROPOLIS, SMALLVILLE, LEGION WORLD, JLA, LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES, LEGIONNAIRES, TEEN TITANS, YOUNG JUSTICE, and other related properties and images are © 1938-3007 by DC Comics.