

May 19, 2000

     i now have a business account, and will be receiving cheques, deposit book and rubber stamp in the mail.  All for the low, low price of $44.95.  my first ever, how-did-this happen, commission cheque was for $275.00, and finally i can cash it.  Along with a few other expenses, the profit margin is a bit low.  But it's there!  Too weird.  i never expected to be doing something like this; actually having a business, registered and official, fully named.  i don't feel any different.  Except maybe just a bit baffled.  

     Will i ever get another cheque like that again?

     Should i be upgrading my image to match this new business persona?  Maybe cut my hair?  Buy some of those high power  surviving-in-the-corporate-world suits?  Or maybe just a new robe 'cause truth be told i do most of my best work* wearing nothing more than Master's bathrobe.  It's burgundy, striped, has a hood and also a huge rip along the right side seam.  If i tie the belt "just so", it's not too noticeable.  Or drafty.  

     Maybe just some new slippers.  Summer ones, so my toes can breath.  


     i've decided that my favourite part of D/s is the mind stuff.  The toys are fun.  Scening is fun.  But when Master wraps His hand around my throat, and lightly rests it there while we are curled up together, something inside me is intimately satisfied.  Some inner nameless need, something on a more intellectual level gets touched.  i feel calmer, safer.  

     i was having a conversation earlier today with ladyfish and we spoke about the differences between the sexual and/or play aspects of how we are living as compared to the mind/thinking level.  One example that i gave her was:  "Domination and submission is like having to ask for a climax. It's not about the getting (climax) ... it's about the asking."  

     Another example is of the day Master and i went for a walk along the beach and He told me to wear the wrist cuffs.  i was mortified yet fascinated, and while i spent a good part of the time making sure the sleeves of my sweater were covering them, my mind was floating off in a very delicious space.  That, for me, was more intriguing than the pleasure i get from a flogger.  The same way as a knife held against my skin is more powerful that the sting of a crop.  

     i couldn't have agreed more with ladyfish when she said:  ...physical foreplay is foreplay is foreplay....Mental domination is to die for..."            


*by the way, work = webpage designing


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