je.jpg.gif (4533 bytes)           please, Sir

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yesterday: previous posts ...

tomorrow: future musings ...

small thing, big impact:    finding the expensive tins of cat food on the counter at Master's house, knowing that the two of them are doing just fine together :)

me: this is actually my webpage, which will need to be worked on as well, especially since i am making life-changes

email: yes, please :)

catmouse.gif (6656 bytes)..feels like i haven't been here in forever!

Jeff Bucchino, "The Wizard of

     Yes,  i am still alive!

     But it's been a busy few days while my life has been turning completely upside down.  Last Sunday morning i woke up with some sort of "resolve" in my head, which i could not identify until much later in the day, when i found myself finally moved out of the house.  i had spent the afternoon packing and loading the van, and moving things to my girlfriend's place, with the idea that i would have less to do during the week.  Once finished, she invited me to stay for dinner, which i gratefully accepted.  While we  talked, waiting for the lasagna to bake, i commented to her: "you know, i should just stay here tonight."  She agreed.

     Impulsive?  Maybe.  But i think it has more to do with the fact that i am tired of being in an environment fraught with stress and animosity.   And now that the final discussions on the division of assets has begun, i definitely don't want to be there.  It isn't going well so far, but in truth i am not asking for very much, and am having difficulty finding a lawyer who can handle that fact.   So far, the first lawyer gave me a phone number to a second lawyer, who, after a brief conversation, transferred me over to a third.  i am quickly coming to the conclusion that i will have to type up what i want and, with a few signatures,  find a paralegal who can notarize it.  Lawyers are pretty unco-operative when they discover they aren't getting any money, or at least a great legal battle to indulge in.   Not my style.

     Adjusting to a new bed and way of life at my girlfriend's has been interesting.  There are three children there, plus two dogs, and a bunch of birds.  In truth though, i am not there all that much, and when i am, i am usually re-organizing my room, or talking on the phone with Master.  TC (girlfriend's "handle") had my computer in bits, strewn about her work area ,and it was just easier not to look.  When i return there tomorrow however, she has assured me it is all back up and running, and online.  The harddrive was formatted in the process, so it will be a fresh clean slate just waiting to be filled.

     Feels a bit like me and this move :)

     But i won't last long at TC's house, in spite of all her wonderful generosity.  It's just not where i need to be.  It isn't "home" and no matter how welcoming and friendly they all are, my heart isn't there.    i know where i need to be, and i shall be pushing the cat out of my spot in the bed.   Very soon.  No matter how nervous i am about it all.     But with all the hard work Master and i have done together in the past year, i am feeling much more confident that i can handle just about anything :)   

... shadoe

November 14/99

... back to the beginning