rainy Mondays ...

        i left work early today.  i don't know if it is because it is a rainy Monday, or because i have lots of issues on my mind, or if it was merely because my eyes are scratchy and my nose is stuffy.  But i couldn't stay there in a room with no windows.  i needed some freedom.  

        Or maybe i just needed the half hour nap that i took when i returned home. 

        Whatever the reason, i do feel a bit better now, although i have found it necessary to bundle up in fuzzy slippers and sweaters.  It is getting closer to the "comfort season", or at least that is what i call it when i can feel fall, then winter approaching.  i define comfort as hot bowls of thick soup and lots of blankets.  Well, and someone to share the blankets and soup with.  my idea of winter sports is a good snuggle with the significant other, occasionally peeking out the window and grimacing at the snow.   But why do i just *know* Master is going to have me outside in heavy coat and boots ... walking in it? 

        He calls me His slut.  The first time i heard it from Him i lost my breath.  i should explain though, that this is reserved for only certain times, and it is not said in a derogatory manner.  In fact, it is said so erotically, that even now as i think about it, my mind goes to where we usually are as i listen to His voice in my ear.

        But i struggled the first time, with accepting this word said to, and about, me.  It did not rest easy at all.  It went against everything i believed in.  It went against everything i have struggled to be.   i was taught that a slut was a dirty, cheap woman, not worthy of anyone's compassion.  i have never allowed anyone to say it to me, not even in play.   i remember pushing a partner rather violently out of my bed one time, for trying to "talk dirty" to me.  And yet, deep down inside, i know my biggest fear has been that i might not be the lady my parents told me i should be. 

        i received such mixed signals from my parents.  Be a lady, my mother said, but be a whore in the bedroom.  Be a lady, my father said, but know that what you have between your legs can get you whatever you want.  And if i behaved lady-like in front of my mother, yet listened to her descriptions of her love life, i made her happy.  And if i behaved lady-like in front of my father, yet let him touch me, with his "I am just curious" ways, then i made him happy.  So i usually got what i wanted.  i cried a lot.

        i haven't a clue where i am going with this.  i guess it is just that i feel like there is this tightly leashed, extremely wanton woman inside me, that needs to get out.  Yet there is also a woman who needs to be able to hold her head up in public and be proud.  Not be looked down upon as a whore or a slut or whatever the term of the day might be.  And yet, what is wrong with being sexual?  If there is nothing wrong with it, why am i constantly startled when people express interest in me that way?  Yet, i also get discouraged when people dont wish to know me any other way, but sexually.  Do i sound confused!!??   Heh!.. and i sit here grinning at myself as i babble on.  :)

        Maybe what is confusing me is that it has only been a good feeling (apart from that first time when i lost my breath) acknowledging that i am His slut.  Perhaps i am in this quandry because of how very submissive and owned i feel when hearing it.  And then again, the way it is said, the tone He uses, is not abusive or derogatory.  All i know is i like it. 

        Admitting that is a big step for me.

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