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"Creation" By Path

Once there were no stars, planets, rocks, plants, or animals. There was just space, endless, vast space. In the middle of this space existed a blue shard of crystal, the heart of Nature. As time passed Nature decided to create life, to inhabit the empty space. She decided to create a universe by exploding the blue crystal, the only matter in existence. The explosion spread all across the space, creating galaxies, stars, and planets. Using the power of the Four Elements, water, earth, fire, and lightning, she combined them to create the first living things. They inhabited all the worlds. Her work done, Nature faded away into a wisp, to quietly work her magic with what little strength remained. After many more years have passed, a nameless entity from the Astral Plane came to this dimension, cast from its world. This entity also had the power of the Four Elements. Using them it created life where it did not exist, forged gods to protect them, and created guardians to keep peace. It was a time of tranquillity, when the immortal creatures lived among the mortals in the planets. Then another entity traveled to this dimension, an entity of death and destruction. The seemingly eternal peace and serenity was shattered, as this entity brought forth an evil race of creatures: demons. They preyed on the weak of heart, gathering energy to serve their evil overlord. The gods rallied together and, after a terrible fight that destroyed most of the universe, managed to seal this entity into a remnant of the Crystal of Existence, flinging it into a black hole, to be lost in the stream of time. To keep this entity from ever returning to plague their universe the immortals passed their torches to worthy morals, and flung themselves into the wormhole, to guard the crystal for all eternity. Then, thousands of years ago, the crystal and the weary gods reemerged from the black hole. The crystal shattered, releasing the evil back into the universe. The tired gods had not the strength to recapture the entity. To fight the evil they created a new race of creatures to become the new guardians: the dragons. To create them the gods took four dying stars and, with their dying strength, exploded them, creating living souls from the stars' dying embers. As the souls were given flesh and form, they drank the fire of the stars, giving them the powers of flame. They traveled to all the worlds, vanquishing the demons that still existed. They are still fighting. Even the humans, who consider themselves rulers of all they see, must bow down to the rule of the dragons. Other wise the evil will return. . .

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