"Those who spend their wealth by night and day, by stealth and openly,
verily their reward is with their Lord, and there shall no fear come upon
them neither shall they grieve." The Holy Quran, The Cow, Verse 274.
How you can help...
If you are like most Muslims encountering this page you want to help.
If you can send us a dollar we will appreciate it. If you can send more
we will also appreciate it even more.
May Allah bless you for whatever you send great or small...
All donations are tax deductible
(Fed.Non-profit I.D. #68-0202560 & State I.D. #1659801)
and should be sent to:
The Islamic Center of Yuba City
P.O. Box 3203
Yuba City, CA 95992
United States of America
The Board of Trustees:
Mr. Bath: (916) 674-7371 |
Mr. Krambo: (916) 671-6702 |
Mr. Ahmad: (916) 674-8013 |
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