Virtual Schnauzer's Online Dog Show
Why Schnauzers?
Becoming a Member
Weekly Schnoop
Chip and Pip
Enter The Show!
Standard Looks Show
Cute Show
Unique Show
Best Overall Show
Great Schnauzer Memorial And Lost Schnauzers
*Virtual Schnauzer*
Contact Us

Welcome to our Virtual Schnauzer Dog Show!
On this site, we'll make a dog show for you schnauzer lovers
to see and enter your dog in. Want to enter? Just click on the "enter the show" link.

Please vote for the best schnauzer! The breeds and colors allowed are: White, Brown, Salt and Pepper, Gray, Silver, Red, Party Color, and Black are for the Standard Looks show. The breeds are miniature, toy(yes, there is a toy!), standard and giant. The Best Overall Show accepts all colors(even dyed), defaults, markings, ages, sizes, everything! The Unique Show accepts any picture of your anything schnauzer doing any and everything! And the Cute Show accepts only cute schnauzers (but everyone knows all schnauzers cute).

Want to see a movie? Check out the


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We invite you to visit us or attend a show. Our members are more than happy to answer any questions you may have about the group and how you can join. Everyone, whether they have a schnauzer or not can join!

Get your Schnauzer Mail here! (don't panick, it's free) (it's e-mail)

Help fight puppy mills where dogs are forced to breed 24 hrs a day untill they die from exaustion and puppys are taken too early from their mothers, then they die getting shipped.

if you want to have your site linked to this site, email me!

visit this site to find your perfect puppy!

hear the music