I don't know about y'all, but it's starting to get cold around these parts...Thus, with the onslaught of winter, we get on to the Ice Age of Random entries...

If I win this game, and I already have unlimited hours, do I get money? (Grisbob)
I was wondering that myself...


More of Dante303's (formerly Dante209's) Condensed History of the World~

The nineteenth century was a time of many great inventions and thoughts. The invention of the steamboat caused a network of rivers to spring up. Cyrus McCormick invented the McCormick raper, which did the work of a hundred men. Samuel Morse invented a code for telepathy. Louis Pasteur discovered a cure for rabbis. Charles Darwin was a naturalist who wrote "The Orgy of the Species". Madman Curie discovered radium. And Karl Marx became one of the Marx Brothers. These events ushered in a new error in the anals of history.

(for those of you who want to read more of the Condensed History of the World, go to the "Early Years" file and take a gander) (Dante303)


So this is where IT happends...hmmm (ToddG03)


I'd like to think that someone actually reads all of these but somehow I doubt it... (ToddG03)


And to the person that actually has to read all of these...is counseling included in the AOL benefits package...or did you guys just run up a large AOL bill and this is how they force you to work it off... (ToddG03)
Well, I figure 5 more years of doing this, and I will have paid Steve Case off for the loan he gave me (damn, I shoulda' just waited for the damn AOL Credit Card...)


Here is a joke. A snail knocks on some guys door. The snail says hey do you have any money for me. So the guy picks up the snail and throws it as hard as he can. Three years later there is a knock on the guy's door. It is the snail and he says, hey what's the big idea throwing me. HA HA HA! (K glf 01)
LOL, K glf 01


The Denver Broncos rule - all other teams bite a*s (CCONGLETON)


Have you ever wondered why there are two s's at the end of my name? (Forty9erss)
okay, I get it now...the question is - which NFL team would NOT get that extra S at the end in your opinion?


DAOimDECaDfErWeQQQQGaJk LbgrdasOlgrddOdhefmKadjlkewiAdfdfvv Tgf;lkjbrisMdlkfE (Pwall79)


I am Michael Jackson's bastard son. (Harleckin)


bloodfictionhorrorhorrific (PORKY KDP)


I hate it when people look at me and say what are you looking at. I mean I wasn't looking at them they were looking at me. (Harleckin)


I can't think of a random thought today...sorry guys. Okay, I can. My friend is addicted to Coke. Like Coca-cola. I swear to god. Honest! Isn't that a good story? I thought so too. (CurlyAnnT)
Your friend wouldn't be SupeRMeGgin, now would it? Oh, that's right, she's addicted to DIET Coke...


you suck, you godamn idiot! (God566)


If there is a God where does he go to the bathroom? (InterDust)


Why must the toy always be at the bottom of the box? (InterDust)


SCHOOL SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (InterDust)


Some people say I look like Mr. Patato Head (InterDust)


Others say Leonardo DeCaprio (InterDust)


Pot dosnt mes up yor mnd (InterDust)


I like {S Goodbye (InterDust)


A very manson chrismas special (InterDust)
Do you mean Marilyn Manson or Charlie Manson? Either one would make for an "interesting" special indeed...


red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum red-rum (InterDust)


Ghosts are scary (InterDust)


Bob Dole was scaryer (InterDust)


My grades suck (InterDust)


Can you please give me an hour... (InterDust)


I need it (InterDust)


I'm a nacho nacho man! I want to be a nacho man!!!!! (InterDust)


THE END (InterDust)


Q: What do you call a lost nun? A: A Roman Catholic (HA HA) (SlideKat)