Okay, so once there was a goat, and the goat got really drunk and turned into a....cow. (MW934902)


No really. Did I win? How can you tell with this stupid game? (and Izzo. Bite me.) (WriterBoy9)


There are two types of people in the world: Those who classify people into two types and those of us who know better. (SHoneywell)


help me (Laurenne14)


"Smells like a Cat's Ass in here!!!" (a short story) Nobody knows where the stench originated. Probably some primordial ooze from the dawn of time somehow made its way under my car seat and began to permeate the air with its peculiar aroma. The truth is, you tend to get used to it until some poor sap who bums a ride happens to notice. It's withstood vacuums, air fresheners, even that spray you buy that's supposed to make your car smell new. Well, it smells new all right. New if you're a blade of grass in a cow pasture . True story! (MEAGF)


Coke is the best it passed the test Pepsi is bad RC I've never had it (Tehvuh)
