[Well, as you noticed nothing posted on Friday. I am taking all responsibility for that. I was sick. I think you guys make me sick, so maybe it's your fault after all. Ah, whatever, here are entries!]

I look at the "DO NOT use the or key" warning as being similar to being told by your math teacher not to divide by zero. The other day I tried to divide by zero and my paper burst into flames. (Nokmar3)


I think that the random game deserves random entries with Steffi Graf lost in tennis the other day, did you know Jenny Mcarthy has her own show now? But bowling is excitign and HO is here. (Nokmar3)


Life of meaning the is what? (STB 18)

42 (STB 18)


Snap-dragons at sunset turn me on..... (Fire b4267)


Remember that song I wrote about posting entries? Sorry about that! You are forgiven Mr. Darkfont. (Mr Onliner)

[It doesn't take much for you to change your mind. :o) Now, how can I make you mad at me permanently?]

I once knew a guy named Jerry..but that was a long long time ago. I really don't want to talk about it. We were both very young and trying new things. Well, until he moved far far away. JERRY YOU BASTARD I KNOW YOU'RE READING THIS AND I SWEAR TO ALL THAT'S GOOD AND HOLY I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN FOR SCREWING CANDY THE CHEERLEADER- ON- PROZAC AND LEAVING ME AT THE PROM ALL ALONE..I'LL KILL YOU...I'LL KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 (Krazyk242)


[You're a week early. I hope you're not this early in everything you do.]

Would it be my fault if I could turn you on? Would I be so bad if I could turn you on? When I kiss your mouth I wanna taste it....Turn you upside down don't wanna waste it! (Fire b4267)



NARF! (Krazyk242)


I won some tokens! I won some tokens! I'm so happy! THANK YOU MS. DARKFONT!!!!!! ::falling to my knees:: I'M NOT WORTHY! I'M NOT WORTHY! ~~Grovel grovel, cringe bow stopp fall! worship worship! bend kneel sponge crawl!~~ The folling was an excerpt from Joeseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. (JamiJR)




I finally get some. And there's nothing there. Tokens I mean. The list hasn't been updated since 13 January 1997. I'm less than satisfied with it. (ScorpioAsh)

[Well, that certainly can't be blamed on me, now can it? Let's blame...umm.....Jami.]


I regret to inform you but I never stated "Happy Fun Ball" As You Said I Did In "Untitled Randomness" At least I think I didn't. (SIM Being)

Docmoron? You are toying with my emotions...first several hate posts, annoyance posts, death threats..i was crushed... i thought the torment would never stop..and now... A post proclaiming your love. How can I beleive you after all the taunting? (ScorpioAsh)


You know how magicians get rich? They just keep on doing that trick where they pull quarters out of someone's ear. Hey, those quarters add up! So, in theory, if I would be as to break someones head open, all of the quarters would come spilling out! [This is how serial killers are born]. (Nyello)

[Jee, I wish I said what was in the brackets, that would have been good.]

my friend Tyrone smell like a fish. i like him. :) (MegaStupid)


You can tell who is new to this game when they write their screen name after every entry. I don't mean to mention names but, Tewmbj11, FOP QUEEN, and Crackerz123 are all new to this game. (SIM Being) (SIM Being)


iM MiGA stpudd thee worlld nonee iddiet (MegaStupid)


Hello, welcome to the Psychiatric Hotline. If you are obsessive-compulsive, pres 1 repeatedly. If you are co-dependant, please ask someone to press 2. If you have multiple personalities, please press 3,4,5, and 6. If you are paranoid-delusional, we know who you are and what you want. Please stay on the line until we can trace your call. If you are schizophrenic, listen carefully and a little voice will tell you which number to push. If you are maniac-depressive, it doesn't matter which number you push. No one will answer. (Krazyk242)


i shall post this in installments, just like stephen king's "the green mile" which i never got around to finishing.This is a story. It's called Monkey Bars. It's all in my head.

Monkey Bars by Nicole A. Price (part 1)

Leila was certainly one to hold grudges. She held them and eventually had her

revenge. Of course she was discreet about it, but she always assured the taunting would end. Leila also liked to stand up for other people; she'd always idolized Wonder Woman and Superman. But she'd grown stronger than them. And she was more thorough. She had real superpowers. But she still hadn't gotten that leaping-small-buildings-in-a-single-bound thing down yet. Or Wonder Woman's power of the nice feminine figure. Then again she was only in the third grade. So hopefully by the time she was middle-aged like them she'd have developed those super powers, too. For now she was content. Especially with Jimmy R.

(stay tuned for part 2) (ScorpioAsh)


I got strep throat today. I stayed online all day and made the lines busy so no one else could go on. I fell special. (SIM Being)


Monkey Bars (part 2)

His name was Jimmy R. because there were two boys named Jimmy in Mrs. Walker's class- but Jimmy P. was much nicer than Jimmy R.- Jimmy P. was her best friend Rachel's twin brother. Ever since first grade, Jimmy R. had teased her during recess. He called her

a chipmunk, because she already had two grown-up front teeth, which were kind of big for her. She didn't like being called a chipmunk. He also made fun of her short hair- he said she looked like a boy. It didn't help that her middle name was A-man-da, which Jimmy R. knew and exploited. But Leila didn't like long hair- it got all knotty and was harder to take care of and keep out of her eyes. So hers was cut just below her ears. Leila liked her short hair, and tended to be proud of that she'd already grown adult front teeth. So when one day at the beginning of this school, Jimmy R. had been particularly mean, she cried. Rarely did Leila cry- one of her super-hero strengths. But when she cried, things happened.

(stay tuned, kiddies, for the finale) (ScorpioAsh)


Monkey Bars (part 3)

That day, Jimmy R. was walking on top of the monkey bars, a girlie thing to do if you were in fifth or sixth grade, but to the other third graders, quite an impressive feat for their classmate. Lots if kids from Mrs. Walker's class were gathered around the grey steel jungle gym. Jimmy R. was on the twelfth bar out of twenty when his untied shoelace tripped him up. He tipped forward, then in a struggle for balance, plunged to the right towards the ground, right in the middle of the crowd of third graders. Jimmy R. hadn't returned to school, and that had been around Halloween. Now it was approaching Valentine's Day. Leila's mother , and those of her classmates, had assured the children that Jimmy R. was just fine. He wasn't around to bother Leila, and that mattered. The kids' from Mrs. Walker's class, as well as many others in the school, had since avoided the monkey bars, and especially the spot Jimmy R. had landed. But Leila and Rachel made a

sort of game out of it- they always dared each other to walk over the spot. Leila wasn't really scared, but she didn't want Rachel to think she was weird and decide not to be her friend, so she practiced pretend hesitancy about it. Usually the two girls ended up sneaking up to the spot, and running hand in hand over, until they stopped 10 feet past the place, they would fall to the ground, catching their breath and giggling nervously. After they'd continued this ritual nearly everyday for a several weeks, a few other kids, boys a year older and some particularly macho boys from their class, joined the "game".

(part 4 coming soon to a theatre near you) (ScorpioAsh)


I did not atend school yesterday because the FBI had stumbled onto my illegal manufacturing of a non-dairy cheese product using ducks and an old sock and had tapped all the lines and bugged all of my house. I found the microphone embeded in the atomic bomb in my closet and the 'fed tapping on the power-line outside my window was hillariously unfunny. I attempted to smuggle the atom bomb out in my nose but then I sneezed and the chicken-milker exploded and all the crayons turned purple and she stabbed my teddy-bear . . . . . . . . . . . and then I killed the world. And then I woke-up and for the remainderof the day I was extremly paranoid. (Nyello)


Monkey Bars (part 4, final section)

Soon it turned into a contest of will, seeing who could stand there longest, all alone. After a week or so, some kids stood there for upwards of a full minute before stepping away with the claim that the game was stupid and they were already winning. A boy in the fifth grade was the title holder after two weeks, two minutes, according to the timekeeper, who also happened to be his girlfriend. The Fearless Leila was a close second with a minute and fifty seconds. She would beat him at the end of that week. Not like she had any great terror to overcome, right? She went seventh that day, two people after the fifth grader. He

stood two minutes and forty-five seconds. Leila took her place in front of the small

nervous crowd of players and spectators. As time ticked by, one minute, the awestruck crowd inched forward, as they had with all previous players. Two minutes past, a look of boredom donned Leila's face. Two and a half. Three. Three and 15 seconds. At three and a half, an odd feeling crawled up the back of her legs, as if out of the ground, like bugs tickling their way over her bare skin. The sensation climbed up to her thighs, to her stomach, which sickened and twisted. Up to her neck, over her skull. She fell into a fetal position on the ground, on the spot, and tears burned at her eyes. She squeezed them shut to hide the wetness, and a few of the frightened spectators ran off in the direction of Mrs. Walker's recess table. Leila's tears spilled over, and she wiped them away with fisted hands. She looked at her moist hands, and saw red. Dark red. Jimmy R. red. She ran from the spot, the grey steel jungle gym, past the slide. She ran directly into the road, right as an

18-wheeler barrelled by the school playground. The truck, exceedingly the speed limit by a few miles, hadn't enough time to come to a complete stop as a small girl with short hair darted into his path. When she cried, things happened.

THE END (ScorpioAsh)


Sorry bout all those Monkey Bars posts, it's my story, wanted to share it..if it sucks tell me and i will restrain myself to my best ability next time i venture to send anyhitng i've composed. (ScorpioAsh)
[I'm glad you had the funding to bring us all four installments. I would have been irked if you had interupted your story for a pledge drive. Speaking of which, everyone, give me money.]


I ate a yoink. (Nyello)


Wait a minute . . . what is a yoink? (Nyello)


Microsux Internet Explorers. Watch out all you web surfers it is coming to get you! (SIM Being)


I think i have like 10 tokens now...can't really tell since the DAMN HO's haven't updated the token list. Only 390, and Monty Python, here I come! You guys really care. You're just jealous, cause you don't have time out of your existent lives for mindless babble like i do... (ScorpioAsh)


Maybe I shouldn't type my name at the end anymore. (Tewmbj11)


Oh well. (Tewmbj11) (Tewmbj11)


I am naked in the shower so i yell a little louder, i am itching from the powder...

get me naked in the shower (Tocadisco)


Guys im girls and ask their bra size. But do guys really understand bra size? Here's a little guide for you cyber geeks (You know who you are!) Well here ya go: You measure under the bustline with a measuring tape, and add five to that number. Then, measure at the fullest part of the bust. If the measurement equals the 1st, cup size is AA. If it is 1" more, A-cup. 2" more, B-cup. and so on. No now all you cyber-pervs Know what you're actually getting, or should i say actually no getting. (ScorpioAsh)


That was a long one, wasn't it?

I wonder if you will post it?

Hmmmmm....probably not...but if you did, well here's to you!!!!! (Tocadisco)

[You're making me paranoid that you scent in this work of wonderment and it got lost....look around HO, maybe it's name that color or something.]


It takes a little more to be a blade of grass. (Tocadisco)


Making love is a lot like making bagels. (Tocadisco)


Damn. I have to make up for slacking off and letting JamiJR challenge my title of most annoying. No offense jami. I don't find you annoying. But i'll bet as I right this, Docmoron is writing a complaint about you...or me..or both of us. (ScorpioAsh)


China is a lot like the U.S. only it's somewhere else and different people live there, and the culture is different..they don't have bicameral legislature, but we both are in the Olympics (Tocadisco)


Playing dead is a hot new fad among teens these days. try it out (Tocadisco)


If i were a girl, well...would i be a cute girl? or a really ugly girl?

Not that it would matter, it's personality that counts, right?



hello (Bfred58309)

[Hey a new person, who didn't put their name after their entry. That's probably worth some tokens...what do *you* think, SIM Being?]


If i were to clone myself....you know? To create a replica of me, so that there would be two tocadiscos....If i were to clone myself...and then i made love to my clone, would that be homosexuality or masturbation? (Tocadisco)


I am not Ms. Bold Letter/Ms. Darkfont to those who accused me of such crimes (j/k ms.BL), not to mention any names but maybe Tewmbj11 was temporarily insane. (ScorpioAsh)

[It's a crime to be me? No... But, maybe we could have something like a employer/employee work switch...a reader/poster switch, but with a snazzy title. I'll start things off by sending you a chain mail to your box, but spliting it up and put only one word per email. Then you can reply to every 20th email and tell me that I'm a dork.]


Suburbs. (ScorpioAsh)


"So down i go like 2000 flushes, I can tell i'm doing something right by the way that she blushes, she's the one that's speechless, i'm the one that's tongue-tied, she's thinking holy mackeral, i'm thinkin tuna on the side."

-Bloodhound Gand, One Feirce Beer Coaster, "Kiss Me Where It Smells Funny"

Get the CD (ScorpioAsh)


Please tke me drunk, I think I might be home. (Noe14U)


You know, the funniest thing happened to me. I got online in one try.


[I wouldn't tell other people; I don't think they'll find it funny.]


Did someone mention the Ebonic Plague? (PaulCrash)


Oddly enough, i ate a goat (Tocadisco)


And that goat ate a pig. (Tocadisco)


And i hate pig!!! I hate when i indirectly eat pig. Damn Goats. (Tocadisco)


ok everybody, If: Hillary Clinton, And Bill Clinton Fell Off A Building At The Same Time, Who Would Hit The Ground First?

Answer:Who Cares?! (JoeCool469)


I've got 6 tokens but I'm not on the list yet. :-( Boo hoo! I feel so left out! (JamiJR)