Zebug's Fast Food Toys

This page is at https://members.tripod.com/~zebug/fftlinks.html.
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Here are some links with more information. The first row of restaurants are sites which shows the current kid's meal promotion toys. The second row is just informational, those sites/restaurants do not show the kid's meal promotions.

Be wary of Kendall Mesker's Fast Food Toy Newsletter and mailing list. Apparently, he has unreliable "friends" who sell toys to members of the list. By the way, if anybody knows when or IF they meet on ICQ, please let me know. It seems to have been weeks and weeks since joining and the newsletter implies that they do indeed have regular and active chat sessions.

Avoid any dealings with Verity Tynan, 40 Lilybank Crescent, Forfar, DD8 2HZ, Scotland, UK using email account bmartin@cableinet.co.uk (barry martin). She is not capable of following through with deliveries or promises. Email for further details or contact her yourself since she isn't answering any of my emails. If you have a legitimate need (eg. you are connected with law enforcement ) and you require documentation (USPS registered mail receipt and foreign bank draft check stub), then feel free to contact me for further details on how to acquire copies.

[Dairy Queen Logo]
Dairy Queen
[Subway's Logo]
[Golden Arches]
[Wendy's Logo]
[Burger King Logo]
Burger King
[Taco Bell Logo]
Taco Bell
French Happy Meal Toys - Les Passionnes Mc'Do (site is in French) Happytoy - Current World Happy Meal Toy Info Fast Food Toy Collectors Club - Canada and USA - lists German Happy Meal Toys - lists
Japanese Happy Meal Toys - official site Austria Happy Meal Toys - lists Austrailia Happy Meal Toys - lists UK Happy Meal Toys - lists Dutch Happy Meal Toys - lists
Romania Happy Meal Toys - official site Switzerland Happy Meal Toys - official site Sweden Happy Meal Toys - lists
Out of Date
[Bendable Jacks]
Jack in the Box
[Taco Bell Net Banner]
Taco Bell Net
The Toy Zone Finnish Happy Meal Toys - dead link? Hong Kong Happy Meal Toys - dead link? Japanese Happy Meal Toys - dead link?

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