Red Rose Tea Wade Figurines

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North American Endangered Species Collection

Looks like they've started a new set of 10? figurines. There are still some Circus decaf packages left.

Circus Collection

[picture of circus miniatures]

There are 15 Circus miniatures. I've got the entire set :).

Raised Elephant, Teacup Monkey, Horse, Bear, Seal, Tiger, Elephant, Teapot Monkey, Lion, Poodle, Ringmaster, Human Cannonball, Custard Pie Clown, Strongman, Clown.

Extras for trade or sale :)!

Tiger, Clown(2), Horse(2), Lion, Strongman(2), Teapot Monkey(2), Teacup Monkey.

Just send me some email with what you need. My email address has no numbers.
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