This page belongs to James (Papa Socket) Twomey
updated 07-02-2002
Our idea is to give you something new. We will have links to: computer products, software, on-line games, and more. near future we hope to have ways of communicating to friends and make new friends. Also hope to share ideas, and make this page one of the best on the web.
Hi Cyberfriends, Welcome to Zora's Home Page. Who is Zora, she is a computer that belongs to James. She was a Pentium 75, 32 meg of ram, 2 hard drives now that makes up her 4 gig storage. Now upgraded to a Pentium 333mhz, 40 meg of ram, 2 hard drives which makes up to over 7 gig. (purchased at for less than $500). Now moved up to Zora 5, which is a 1333mhz processor, 256meg ram, 40 gig hard drive, cdrw, dvd, and more.
You ask why name a page after a computer? Well why not. some people have a page after their pets, children, or themselves. So I don't see any different then naming it after a computer. No it is not odd to name a computer. The movie 2001 wasn't the computers name Hal? A robot is nothing more than a mobile computer and people name them. But to let you in on a little secret. Zora was the name of the company James bought his first ibm compatible computer. Thus, on the front was this 1 inch square red sticker with the word Zora on it. So then on each computer that he got was named Zora.
Well I would like for you to stay a spell and browse through all the things that is here. Make sure you check out all the links that may interest you. Have Fun.
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