The .30-06 Sprinfield |
The .30-06 Springfield For Elk |
About Hunting About Me The 10 Commandments The Hunt Rifles & Calibers The .270 The .308 The .30-06 The 7mm Mag. The .300 Mag. The .338 Mag. Sighting In Conditioning Dealing With High Altitude Clothing & Gear Tips Learn About Elk Elk Calls & Bugles Shot Placement The Rut Your Friend The map After It's Down Field-Dressing Quartering Quartering Without Gutting Camping Equipment Self Guided Hunt Guided Hunt Elk Hunting In Jackson Hole The National Elk Refuge Predator Or Prey The Grizzly Bear The Black Bear Bear Identification Precautions In Bear Country State & Federal Agencies Taxidermy Dedication To My Wife Photos Scenery From Where I Hunt Elk Meat & Nutrition Helpful Links Elk Hunting Message Board Guestbook Read my Dreambook! Sign my Dreambook! Find these missing children Hunting Rings |
For the hunter who will hunt everything from deer to moose or even the prarie dog, the .30-06 is by far a great choice. You get a range of bullet weights from the 110-grain bullet to the 220-grain bullet. Loaded with the 180-grain bullet, the .30-06 will retain over 1,300 ft/lbs of energy at 400 yards. That is plenty to knock an Elk off it's feet. Although the bullet drop at at that range is nearly 50 inches. But it is available in almost every action and almost every brand of fire arm on the market. This is an advantage for the .30-06. Finding a rifle action, model, and style that you want is easy with the .30-06. Because of its popularity you will have no problem finding or borrowing ammunition for the .30-06 no matter where you are. I have taken many deer, Elk , and antelope with the .30-06 with no problems at all. Rifles And Cartridges The .270 - The .308 - The .30-06 - The .7mm mag. - The .300 mag. - The .338 mag. |