93rd Evacuation Hospital
Long Binh, Vietnam
Ready Now

Emergency Power Generator Section !

This section of the hospital consisted of two persons, and was seldom thought about by most of the hospital personnel. It was manned by then SP4 Danny L. Fisher and PFC Varney Davis. We operated round-the-clock, each working 24 hours on duty, and 24 hours off duty. Whoever was off-duty would provide relief for the on-duty man for meals at the Dining Facility. It was our job to make sure the hospital had electrical power at all times! The section was located near the Emergency Room and Helicoptor Landing Pad, and was completely surrounded by concrete revetments! Below, are some of my personal photo's. Dan Fisher

Area Used While Waiting For Power Outages !
Desk View     Fisher-Work?
                                                                     SP4 Danny L. Fisher

SP4 Danny L. Fisher
(minus the usual mustache)
SP4 Fisher
Your Emergency Powerman !

SP4 Varney Davis & His Puzzles
(SP4 Fisher in background, 1970)

Varney & Me.

The View From Inside, Looking Out !

The Sunset, At Long Binh, Vietnam !
I really like this picture, for some reason!

The Generator Was Quite Loud!
PFC Varney Davis, SP4 Washington, Boy Son, SP4 Brookover

Varney Davis is alive and well, and in postal contact!
Danny Fisher is alive and well, and is your Webmaster!

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Note: The "unofficial" 93rd Vietnam Shield, used at the top of this page, was enhanced by Leon Baldwin, a good friend!
Leon also provided the background used on these pages!