Tonya Baughn's Avon Presidents

Welcome to my site. I am NOT going to try and SELL Avon or anything else.... IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ORDER AVON ON-LINE DON'T CLICK ON THE ADS ABOVE !! you can go to
This site is being created to provide information to ANYONE who would like to reach the "Next Level". This site will be about P.M.A. and how to keep it.(positive mental attitude)Come on in browse around and keep on smiling :0)
Tonya Baughn HAPPY SALES :)

Did you know… Avon Stock was considered the stock of the decade in the 1950's-
Forbes Digital Tools 1/23/98

Success is achieved by those who try and keep on trying, with P.M.A

Me skiing a long time ago...

Don...My Hero

How much did you sell today ?

The view  NEVER CHANGES if you are not the LEAD dog… hmmm

How close are you to your goal ?

Do you often reach your goal ?

Avon Reps- In The Beginning... | Presidents Council Info | Avon Sales Ideas | Long ago and far away... | How to Sell over $100,00 per year | PHOTOS  | My Favorite Things | FAQ FLYER | TIPS FROM THE LOOP


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Avon Independent Sales Representative      #1 Sales since 1981 in my division