Humanity's Sojourn Through History Now Progresses Through The Final 42 Year-Hour Where A Great Restoration Is To Evolve. Even The Preserved Remains (The Inner Temple) Of Each Of Three Temples May Readily Be Reentered And GOD'S Holy Arks Will Be Brought Forth.
When People Dwell Without The Glory Of GOD, People Reside In Darkness. Yes, Ever Since Jeremiah Hid GOD'S Holy Ark, When King Nebuchadnezzar Came Against Jerusalem, Wickedness Has Prevailed. And People Have Continued To Exist Without The Glory Of GOD While Suffering The Consequences.
However, In These End Times The Two Holy Arks Still Await In Their Hiding Places. When Brought Forth, The Glory Of GOD should Be Restored And A Whole Host Of Events Are To Materialize. This Even Includes The Restoration Of Health And Well-being For Many.
Main Menu
Temple Of People
The Temples Of Stone
Main Altar
PreExilic Jerusalem (Jebus)
SETTING THE SCENE FOR ONGOING EVENTS: Provides an abbreviated view of how this world has been put together, the powers involved, and the roles each has been playing. This brief narrative further explains Part A above.
WHY ONLY A LITTLE FLOCK?: Link to brief narrative that further explains Part B above.
JUDAH'S PUNISHMENT: Provides a more indepth view of prophecy evolving before our eyes as Biblical references describe matters now visible for those who wish to look.
![]() ![]() | Part I: Scripture Explains Matters |
![]() ![]() | Part II: "Sins Of 'Judah' Continue" |
![]() ![]() | Part III: The Coming Blessings And Curses |
THE BIBLICAL MEANING OF 11 SEPTEMBER 2001: Schedules certain events during period beginning the sixth year (6006) after the Jubilee (6000) and continuing three years (6007-6009). Events include: laying the Temple foundation, arrival of Four Carpenters, start of special blessings, Glory of GOD may be seen, first of two Holy Arks brought forth, and elevation of Human Shepherd from afflictions.
GETTING ORIENTED IN THE HINNOM VALLEY (JERUSALEM): Photos locating the location of the Temple built by King Solomon.
THE HIDDEN CITY: The PreBabylonian Jerusalem. Through history people have searched without success for this preExilic City of Jerusalem. Included therein is the Castle wherein Saul, David, and Solomon dwelt and the preserved ruins of the historic Solomonic Temple. This site explains details regarding the hiding place.
Select The Hidden City File:
REENTERING TEMPLE HISTORY - A: A Major Step Into The Future. Diagram Of Temple Complex: The Temple superimposed on the Temple Amphitheatre; Diagram Of Temple Locations.
PART I: The Buildings: The Four Temples (Overview), The Supper Room, The Temple Components, The Preserved Remains (Includes a brief history of the phony mount).
PART II: Matters Related To The Temples: The Copper Scroll (Identifies caches of Solomonic Temple Wealth), Hatches To Temple Dungeon Chambers, Cautions For Treasure Hunters, The Holy Ark Of The Covenant (Not hidden in Solomonic Temple), Two End Times Temples, Robinson's Reports (Attest that the Solomonic Temple's water-sewer system was still flushing in 1838 AD), Catherwood's Map Reveals The Starting Point (For reentering Solomonic Temple).
PART III: Similarities: Siloam's Origin; Zadok, David, And Jesus (Three Temples: Three Tombs); The Intaglio; The Common Pattern; Don't You Agree? (World's lack of concern; yet, the Temple will be built).
REENTERING TEMPLE HISTORY - B: Basic Points To Remember (15 Items including Supplementary Material). Walks readers into the Solomonic Temple via the escape route used by King Zedekiah to the only unblocked hatch available for reentering the Solomonic Temple (See items 5 thru 9). Readers may reenter the Solomonic Temple even before the literal reentry by initial investigators.
THE MAIN ALTAR BEFORE THE TEMPLE: The Base Of The Main Altar. A glimpse at the Temple Altar is provided relative to myriad other altars built by ancients. The Temple Altar is then placed in the midst of the court centered in the Temple Amphitheatre. Note: The Prophet John, when in vision on The LORD'S Day (Revelation 1:10), was instructed to measure the Temple, the Altar, and those that worship therein. But, who has visited the Temple (built according to the basic design criteria) to worship therein?
MADABA MAP: (Dated c. 562 AD): Evidence that the traditional temple mount did not exist until initially heaped up by Byzantines between 617-637 AD.
African History Re: African Israelites
Solomonic Temple Treasures
AFRICAN HISTORY AND SOLOMONIC TEMPLE TREASURES: The origin of African history, the injection of the Israelite lineage into Africa, and Solomonic Temple treasures taken to Africa.
The Flood
Noah's Ark In Arabia
Ancient Nuzi Map Identifies Edenic Valley
City Built By Cain
PREFLOOD WORLD AND MOUNT ARARAT: A 1,000 mile long mountain born in preparation for the Great Flood. The Preflood World. The mechanics of the flood. The location of the Edenic Valley. Noah's Journey. The ancient colonizing of the Americas. And, much more are presented in brief.
NOAH'S ARK AND TREASURES OF THE RED SEA: The people onboard. The most ancient clay map. The circle and the square. The tiny roll seals. Noah's Ark, a treasure chest of ancient records. The discovery of "THE ANDEAN HIGHWAY" 35 years ago (1963). Pharaoh's chariots. And, the location of Noah's Ark. All offer very intriguing pieces of the puzzle.
MEASURING NOAH'S ARK: Noah's Ark A Floating City. Legends abound world-wide. Criteria describing Noah's ark. Measurements of the Levitical City. The raft-like City of Noah.
THE HISTORIC JOURNEY: Noah's Voyage In 1655-1656 From Creation. The chronology of The Flood describes the sequence of events. The origin of all postflood peoples.
FURTHER CONFIRMATION OF NOAH'S LANDING SITE: Archaeology's Paradise. Elaborates on what may be found.
WHO WILL BE NEXT TO VISIT NOAH'S ARK: Finding It Is Easy. Why wait for Spring Break? Will college students beat the pros?
THE ANCIENT NUZI MAP: Map of preflood Edenic Valley. Discovered in Yorghan Tepe, Iraq in 1930-31. This clay tablet map has remained unidentified until now. It is the oldest known map in the world. Shows locations of cities in Edenic Valley and City of Chanoch, built by Cain, East of Eden. Details explained. One map is worth 10,000 words.
ORIGIN AND DATE OF NUZI MAP: The preflood Nuzi Map dates itself.
MAPS OF RED SEA: Shows both the Red Sea for comparison with the Nuzi Map and the modern city of Tayma' South of the City of Chanoch, the landing site of Noah's Ark.
LOCATING NOAH'S ARK AND THE CITY OF CHANOCH: The Sequence Of Events: Getting started. The Altar, pillar and boundstone. GOD'S Holy Ark enters captivity. Mount Ararat. The Nuzi Map and Chanoch. Sounding the great trumpet. Points A, B, and C. An overview of the site. The elevated land of Pisgah. Tunnel in - tunnel out. Tayma' is to the South. The road North out of Tayma'. The search area. The brass dome. Preliminary research. Visiting the site.
THE CITY OF CHANOCH (Founded By Cain): The Preflood Era's Sin City. How the luxurious City of Cain relates to Noah's ark. The landing site of Noah's ark upon Al-Judi explained. The simplicity of reaching the site and a peak at surprises awaiting below.
SELECTED VERSES FROM THE LEGEND OF THE FISH: Prophecy foretold that man's fables would move and anchor Noah's Ark to the high mountains.
MAP AND FIRST PHOTOS OF THE LOCATION OF CHANOCH: Photos taken 21 January 1999 by Mohammed M. Baarmah of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
SEARCHING OUT THE CRADLE OF HUMANITY: Eden and East of Eden. A second look at events. Woolley's conclusion applies today. Back to the cradle of humanity. The search for the City of Aad in the Edenic Valley and the City of Chanoch East of Eden, in the desert North of Tayma', Saudi Arabia.
REFINING THE SEARCH FOR NOAH'S ARK: After reconsidering findings including evidence in photographs this alternate approach is offered as a more probable approach to finding Noah's Ark. Searchers now have something more specific to look for.
EVE (Edenic Valley Exploration)
EVE (EDENIC VALLEY EXPLORATION): A proposal for an International Consortium (an association, partnership, and fellowship for a common venture) for the Edenic Valley Exploration (EVE) situated beneath the Red Sea. This link leads viewers to the Index Page of this site.
Chanoch's Water Supply
Origins Of Subterranean Fresh Water Rivers
CHANOCH'S WATER SUPPLY: People can't live without water.
PART I: The hidden water supply: Cain found it. The source investigated. Understanding the Bosporus. Submerged fresh water systems.
PART II: The unique Black Sea basin. Bathymetric maps of the Black Sea and the deep hole in the center of the Black Sea. The Red Sea. The significance of Cain's Water Supply.
PART III: Incomplete measures. Chernobyl. Ukraine's Nuclear Farms. Common sense. Reports: re: radiation levels in the Black Sea. Who should be concerned. Time to act rather than sleep.
PART IV: Terrible Tragedies: Getting To The Problem (a summary) and The Problem Comes To Victims (people worldwide are subject to consequences).
GOD'S Holy Ark
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Prepared By Father - Son Team