About the Webring

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Codes for the Webring

Butterfly Lounge Members

Stuff I've Joined

Butterfly Lounge Chat Room...Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!

Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due

Contact the WebmistressContact the Ring Mistress

Butterfly Lounge Copyright Information



The Butterfly Lounge Webring is a ring for butterfly & fae lovers everywhere!

The requirements are actually very simple and you even get to choose from four different graphics to display on your site once you have joined!



Your site must some how be related to butterflies and/or faeries.  (not just a few graphics here and there throughout your site)

It must be obvious that you are interested in butterflies and/or faeries.

No hate, porn or racists sites.  I don't mind mild profanity, just not every other word.

If you have "borrowed" graphics from other sites, you need to have a link giving credit to that site and it must work. If I can't trust you to give credit to someone else, I cannot trust you to not steal any of my own personal graphics, therefore I will not allow you to join the ring.

I must be able to easily locate the HTML fragment on your site if you give me your "index" URL

Once you have the HTML fragment on your page, you will need to email me with your name and site information. I will, then, check out your site and the HTML fragment that you've put on your site.  I will e-mail you to let you know whether you have or have not been added to the ring.


Do you meet all of the requirements...or think that you do? Then please go to the "Join" page to sign up and submit your site information to join the Butterfly Lounge Webring.


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This page was last edited on 04/16/00 06:02 PM

Psychotic Butterflies