About CCCC
CCCC Chronicle
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Education Center
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 Headline News

  CCCC Newsletter 9th Edition is online. Click here to read the details

  Many Came to Celebrate The Founding of CCCC Ballroom Dancing Club. Click here to see more pictures.

  2005 Chinese Culture Summer School Open House Day Witnessed Big Crowd. Click here to read more.

  CCCC Dance Group Celebrating Its 10th Anniversary. Click here to see the details

  CCCC Will Have Two SAT English Classes Starting on Saturday, June 11. Click here to see the details

  CCCC Students and Teacher Won Awards from The 6th Chinese youth Composition Campetition Click here to see the details

  CCCC Karaoke Club Open House Great Success. Click here to see the details

  CCCC launches new Little Wagon Early Education Program: a specialized bilingual, multicultural preschool program. Click here to see the details.


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