
Rascal is a 5 yr old mixed breed - probably some ragdoll or long hair and short haired American mix - mutt.  He is an extremely docile cat (which is why I figure he's part ragdoll - part of that breed's nature).  Once I walked down the stairs in the dark, on the last step, I stepped right on him and before putting all my weight on him, I jumped to the bottom to avoid crushing him.  When I turned the light on he just looked at me, no sound and no movement, he didn't care.  (If that had been Chloe, she would have wailed and jumped immediately, probably tripping me and causing me to fall - but then she was pretty nervous.)

Though very cuddly, he still thinks he's  a kitten and is very precocious.  He use to dump a number of my plants over, with a special affinity for spider plants.  I had about 30 plants in my old house so this was a big issue, but now I'm down to 5 plants since the last cross country move.  Now he gets his entertainment from chasing Meika up & down the hall, as well as grabbing my arm, biting & kicking with all fours (he tires quickly of a string or toy and goes straight for the interactive hand).  Okay, so maybe I torment him a little, but only because he loves it - he's a fighter at heart.

Rascal doesn't know his name, but comes to "Boo" ora whistle.   He knows the term "get the pussy cat" & looks for the dog come pounce on him.  He also knows the neighbour cat's name (Gizmo) and gets defensive & runs to the door (he hates Gizzy with a passion).  If I open the door enough for them to sniff nose, Boo ends up sticking his paw out to swat Gizzy, just to remind him he's not welcome in his house (Giz doesn't care, he just wants in for the food & drugs (catnip).  Giz goes psycho for catnip & forgets he's being stalked - until Boo pounces & beats the crap out of him!

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It starts out fun & games......


  .....but turns into a scrap (if the claws aren't clipped, he wins)


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Nap time for everyone


Look closely in the leaves between Meika's ears


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A little close for Rascal's comfort


Outside for some entertainment


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Watching me in the old kitchen from his comfy perch


Gardening in the sun


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Boo bird watching


Boo's intense concentration!


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All worn out from bird watching (it seems the sun is disturbing his nap) Boo's nemisis, Gizmo - over for a visit & a roll in the catnip (moments later Boo had pounced him & white fur went flying)