Campus Tour


Campus Tour
The Femmes
That Ivy Day Parade
Flying At Fifty

For all you gardeners, amateur landscapers and the botanically challenged. Did you know that the Smith Campus, beginning in 1875, was an example of the "cottage system" advocated by Frederick Law Olmsted? That the early campus was laid out as an arboretum?

Leaving from Albright House on Friday afternoon, May 21, at 3:30 p.m., we will meet Kim Tripp at the century-old greenhouse near Paradise Pond. Dr. Tripp is the Director of the Botanical Garden of Smith College. She will lead us on a campus tour, explaining the evolving character of the campus from the era of the Olmsted plan to the present campus master plan that is now being implemented. That plan is the work of Shavaun Towers, '71, a new Fellow of the Society of Landscape Architects. Shavaun will also be on campus Reunion Weekend, assisting in our tour or giving a presentation, in case our tour is dampened by rain.

With Tripp and Towers, we will take in the spectacular spring landscape display on campus, especially in the Botanical Gardens and at Smith's Japanese Garden on the banks of Paradise Pond. We also will hear about historic and new opportunities for horticultural and landscape studies at Smith.

Dr. Kim Tripp worked with J. C. Raulston at the arboretum at North Carolina State University. She co-authored a book on trees with Raulston in 1995.


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Last updated:12/26/99

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