Gaga/Ga-ga - Scottish slang
Gage - "Gage" is a drink of beer, esp. among tramps.
Gallows drunk
Galvanized - Cf. "Electrified."
Gambrinous - Full of beer. The word comes from Gambrinus, a mythical
Flemish king who is supposed to have invented beer.
Gargled - From "gargle," a drink of alcohol, or to drink booze.
Gassed - From "gas," liquor, or from "gas" in the
sense of "very satisfying." British (esp. army) & US, since
circa 1915.
Gassed up - To "gas up" is to drink crapulently.
Gauged/Gaged - "Gauge/gage" is inferior whisky. Also, a
"gage" is a quart pot, a measure of liquor. Cf. "Gage."
US, early 1900s.
Gay - Tipsy. Refers to uplifted spirits. 1800s to early 1900s.
Gay weel eworn'd - Term used by Whitehead.
G?d up - Possibly from "Geed up."
Geared - Short for "Geared up."
Geared up
Geed up - Possibly from Hobo slang for "crippled" or "bent
and battered," or from drug slang for intoxicated. If the latter case,
its roots are in "Geared up." Also, a "gee" is a glass of
liquor and a "gee-up" is a drinking spree.
Geeded up
Geesed - A "geeser" is a drink of spirits, or a drunkard.
Geezed - A "geezer" or "geez" is a drink of alcohol.
Also, to "geez/geeze" means to take or drink a dose of dope in drug
Geezed up
Generous - Noted by Benjamin Franklin.
Geophysical well logging
Gerook - High. Usu. means intoxicated by marijuana, but apparently is
applicable to alcohol as well. South African slang.
Getting a bag on
Getting a bun on
Getting a can on - Canned up (cf.). A "can on" is intoxication.
Getting a glow
Getting a glow on - From reddening of the face.
Getting a jag on
Getting a little boozy
Getting a little high
Getting a little inebriated
Getting a little tipsy in one
Getting a little whizzy
Getting a load on - See "Loaded." Australian.
Getting a shithouse on
Getting a skate on - See "Has a skate on."
Getting a snootful - See "Has a snootful."
Getting a thrill
Getting about all one needs
Getting an answer
Getting an edge on - Drinking to preserve the pleasurable
"buzz," but not so that one becomes blotto.
Getting barreled up
Getting behind - Having a pleasant intoxication. Probably from drug
Getting bleary-eyed
Getting blotto
Getting boozed up
Getting boozy
Getting bung-eyed
Getting canon
Getting charged up
Getting Chinese
Getting crocked
Getting cut
Getting dopy
Getting fired up
Getting flushed
Getting full
Getting glorious
Getting goofy
Getting high
Getting in
Getting inebriated
Getting intoxicate
Getting it off the mind
Getting jingled
Getting jungled
Getting kailed up - Possibly from "Kaylied."
Getting kind of high
Getting kind of woozy
Getting light-headed
Getting likkered up
Getting lit
Getting lit up
Getting loaded
Getting looped
Getting loose
Getting off - Short for "Getting off on a high." Originally a
drug term. Getting relief and pleasure from intoxication. US, mid 1900s.
Getting on
Getting on it - On a spree. Australian, since circa 1920.
Getting on one
Getting on the band wagon
Getting on the pole - Verging on intoxication.
Getting on with it - Drinking and getting smashed, on a spree.
Getting one
Getting one's brain fried - Probably originated in drug slang.
Getting one's ears back
Getting one's gauge up - Possibly from the rising pressure gauge on a
steam boiler, and influenced by "Gauged."
Getting one's hops in - Getting tipsy.
Getting one's load - See "Loaded."
Getting one's load on
Getting one's shoes full
Getting organized
Getting pickled
Getting piped - Since circa 1925.
Getting polluted
Getting pretty full
Getting pretty high
Getting pretty well lit
Getting ready
Getting right
Getting shaky
Getting shitty
Getting shot
Getting sloppy
Getting soft
Getting soused
Getting started
Getting stiff
Getting tanked up
Getting teed up
Getting the big head - Cf. "Got on one's little
Getting the flavor
Getting the gauge up
Getting the habit
Getting the nose painted - See "Paintin' one's
Getting there - To "get there" is to get soused. British,
Getting there with both feet
Getting tipsy
Getting to be a drunkard
Getting to feel one's liquor
Getting too full
Getting tore up from the floor up
Getting topsy
Getting under the influence
Getting underway
Getting up high
Getting up the pole - Becoming tipsy.
Getting warmed
Getting warmed up
Getting wasted
Getting wet
Getting whizzy
Getting woozy
Gheed - From "Geed."
Gheed up
Giddy - "Giddy water" is alcoholic drink.
Giffed - From "TGIF," Thank God It's Friday. Cf.
Giggled - "Giggle-water" is alcohol, particularly champagne.
Giggled up
Gilded - Since the early 1600s.
Gin crazed
Gin soaked
Gingered up - Stimulated or enlivened as if from ginger.
Ginned - US, since the late 1800s.
Ginned up - Canadian slang. To "gin up" is to drink hard
liquor, not to get drunk but to get in the proper mood for partying.
Ginnified - Dazed with liquor.
Ginny - Drunk on gin. Late 1800s.
Givin' the town hell with the hide off - Celebrating drunkenly. Cowboy
Giving it a bash - Drinking heavily.
Giving Nature a fillup
Glad - Merry. Noted by Benjamin Franklin.
Glanders ? See "Got the glanders."
Glass eyed
Glazed/Glaized - Stuporous. Perhaps from glazed-over eyes. Noted by
Benjamin Franklin.
Glazed drunk - Noted by Benjamin Franklin.
Glazed over
Globular - Noted by Benjamin Franklin.
Glorious - Term used by Robert Brown in his poems. Scottish, since the
Gloriously cockeyed
Gloriously drunk - Scottish.
Glowing - "Glow" or "glow on" means mild
Glued - From the immobility experienced in heavy inebriation.
Goat drunk - Lustful. Since the early 1600s.
God-awful drunk - Extremely drunk.
God's own drunk - Very drunk. Term used by Jimmy Buffet.
Goes out
Goes over the tops of trees
Goggled eyed
Going - A "go" is a drink of spirits, esp. gin.
Going it blind - Imbibing heavily. Since the late 1800s.
Going on the Cousin Sis/Cis - "Cousin Sis/Cis" is rhyming slang
for "piss" and means a drunken spree.
Going on the piss
Going out
Going over the cognac trail
Going overboard
Going to Jerusalem
Going to town - On a binge.
Going under
Gone - Dead drunk, entirely drunk.
Gone a peg too low - See "Pegged too
Gone behind the scenes
Gone blind
Gone blooey
Gone Borneo - US campus use. From the supposedly wild people of Borneo.
Gone dead
Gone down in flames
Gone flooey
Gone haywire
Gone maximum Southern Comfort
Gone native - Cf. "Gone Borneo."
Gone out
Gone out like a light
Gone over the hill
Gone over the edge with the rams - To "go over the edge with the
rams" is to get far too drunk in the slang of hardboiled detective
Gone pffft/phut
Gone to Bungay Fair - Bungay is a market town on the Norfolk-Suffolk border, and evidently its fair was notorious for immoderate drinking. Cf. "Been to Bungay Fair." 1800s
Gone to Mexico - From the habit of US teens sneaking across the border.
Implies excessive drinking.
Gone to Olympus
Gone to the devil
Gone under - Having succumbed to the effects of alcohol.
Gone wild
Gonged - Stoned. Probably from drug slang.
Gonged to the gills
Good and drunk
Good to go
Goofed - Possibly from drug lingo.
Goofed up
Gordoned - Drunk on gin. From Gordon's, a popular brand of gin.
Gordoned up
Gory/Gorey-eyed - From the redness of the eyes.
Got a bag on - See "Tied a bag
Got a blow on
Got a brass eye - Noted by Benjamin Franklin.
Got a bun on - "Bun" may be short for "bundle," a
quantity of anything.
Got a buzz on
Got a can on
Got a crumb in one's beard
Got a dish
Got a drop in the eye
Got a furred tongue
Got a glow on
Got a gutful of piss - Australian slang.
Got a jag on
Got a little buzz on - Tipsy.
Got a little polly on
Got a load on
Got a rum nose
Got a skinful
Got a snootful
Got a spur in one's head - Slightly drunk. Originally and primarily
jockey slang, late 1700s.
Got a turkey on one's back
Got about enough
Got all one can carry - Extremely drunk.
Got barley fever - "Barley fever" or "barrel fever"
is drunkenness or the D.T.'s.
Got behind the scenes
Got bread and cheese in one's head - Mid 1600s to mid 1700s.
Got by the head
Got corns in one's head
Got 'em thick - Very intoxicated. Since circa 1890.
Got kibbled heels
Got more than one can carry
Got on a load
Got on one's little hat - Implies the feeling of a swollen head when one
is hung over. Also, a "large head" is a drunkard. Noted by Benjamin
Got on one's skates
Got one going - Has been drinking heavily.
Got one's beer on board
Got one's boiler loaded
Got one's dose
Got one's glass eyes
Got one's little hat on
Got one's nightcap on - Suggests a "nightcap," a drink taken
just before retiring to bed.
Got one's shoes full
Got one's skinful
Got one's snowsuit on and heading north - Cf. "Too far
Got one's skates on - On a binge. May refer to difficulty in walking.
Got one's tank filled
Got one's topgallant sails out
Got rats
Got some in one
Got the back teeth well afloat - See "Back teeth
Got the blind staggers
Got the flavor
Got the glanders - Glanders is an illness with symptoms that include
swollen neck glands and a runny nose. Noted by Benjamin Franklin.
Got the glassy
Got the good feeling
Got the gout - Noted by Benjamin Franklin.
Got the gravel rash - Reeling drunk. "Gravel rash" refers to
scrapes from a fall.
Got the horns on/hornson
Got the horseback
Got the Indian vapors
Got the knock
Got the nightmare
Got the pole evil
Got the sun in one's eyes
Got the treatment
Got the wobbly boot on - Australian slang.
Got too much
Got up to the third story
Gowed to the gills
Gowed-up - Possibly from obsolete drug slang. "Gow" means drugs
or dope, and could include alcohol.
Grade-A certified drunk
Grapeshot -- Intoxicated with wine. A pun on "grapeshot," a type
of small cannon shot. British & US, late 1800s.
Graveled - British, 1800s.
Greased - Inspired by "Oiled." US, early 1900s.
Green about/around the gills - See "Fishy about the
Greetin' fou/fu? - Crying drunk. See "Fou." Scottish.
Grilled - Possibly a variation of "Fried."
Groatable - Noted by Benjamin Franklin.
Grog on board
Grogged - "Grog" is a British naval term for a mixture of rum
and water, and has come to mean any liquor. Since the mid 1800s.
Grogged up
Groggery - 1800s.
Groggified - British, 1700s to early 1800s.
Grogging on - To "grog on" is to drink heavily over a long
Grogging up
Groggy - Half drunk, or stupefied by inebriation. Since the 1700s.
Guarding the gates of Hell
Gummixed up - Confused. "Gummed up" plus "bollixed
Gutter drunk
Gutter mouth
Guttered - Scottish slang
Guyed out - Circus slang. To "guy out" means to tighten, so
means "tight."
Guzzled - From "guzzle," booze, or to drink liquor esp. to
Had a bit of the creature - Appears in the movie Death Hunt.
Had a bun on
Had a couple
Had a couple of drinks
Had a couple of shooters
Had a cup too many
Had a cup too much
Had a dram
Had a drop too much
Had a few
Had a few drinks
Had a few too many
Had a glow on
Had a kick in the guts
Had a little
Had a little too many
Had a little too much
Had a number of beers
Had a rubber drink - A "rubber drink" is one that makes one
vomit, because it "bounces back up."
Had a run
Had a shot or two
Had a skinful - Very drunk. A "skinful" is a bellyful of
liquor, or enough liquor to get one drunk (cf. "Loaded), and may refer to
a wineskin. Cf. "Borracho."
Had a skinful and a half
Had a smell of the barmaid's apron - See "Sniffed the barmaid's
Had a snootful
Had a snort - A "snort" is a drink of liquor.
Had a thump over the head with Sampson's jawbone - Refers to, of
course, the legendary jawbone of an ass. Also, "Sampson" is a drink
of brandy or hard cider with a little water and sugar. Noted by Benjamin
Had a tootful - A "tootful" is a drink in Scottish slang.
Had enough - Consumed enough liquor to completely intoxicate one. Or,
indicates that one has just plain imbibed too much. British & US, since
the late 1800s.
Had enough to make one noisy
Had it
Had one for the worms - From the old belief that alcohol kills worms.
Had one or two - Tipsy. Since the late 1800s.
Had one over the eight - See "One
over the eight."
Had one too many
Had one's cold tea
Had one's swill
Had too much
Haily gaily
Hair on one's tongue
Half-a-brewer - Tipsy. Mid 1800s to early 1900s.
Half a load on
Half and half - Half drunk, or less than half sober. Cf. "Arf an'
arf." British and later US, since the early 1700s but now rare.
Half as sober as a judge
Half bent out of shape
Half-bulled - Cf. "Bull-dozed." Australian.
Half-canned - Slightly drunk. Since circa 1925.
Half-cocked - Half drunk, tipsy. Possibly refers to this term's other
meaning of "silly" or "foolish." Also, a gun that is
half-cocked cannot be fired. Widespread use since the late 1800s.
Half-cut - More than mildly drunk but not yet blotto. Cf. "Cut in
the leg." Widespread since the mid 1800s, but now obsolete.
Half geared up
Half gone - Mildly intoxicated. British & US, since the 1800s.
Half high
Half-hot - Somewhat drunk. Bohemian slang.
Half in the bag - US, since the mid 1800s.
Half in the boot
Half in the tank
Half in the wrapper
Half-jacked - See "Black-jacked."
Half kicked in the ass
Half nelson - Possibly from the name of a wrestling hold.
Half-on - British, late 1800s.
Half rats - Partially intoxicated. British, late 1800s.
Half-rinsed - Australian and New Zealand.
Half-screwed - More or less drunk.
Half-sea - Contraction of "Half seas over."
Half seas over - Refers to several stages of intoxication. One idea is
that the person is half submerged in liquor and thus half drunk or almost
drunk; the concept is that the person is a ship so low in the water, small
waves, or "half seas," can sweep over the deck. Another theory is
that the phrase means "halfway across the sea," or halfway between
one state and another. Still another idea is that it comes from the image of a
ship nearly on its side, about to founder and sink; hence, it describes one
who is decidedly unsteady due to drunkenness. Or, it may be a corruption of
Dutch "op-zee zober," over-sea beer (German "zauber" is
strong beer). Nautical, since the 1600s.
Half seas under
Half-shaved - 1800s.
Half-shot - British & US nautical, since at least the late 1800s.
Half-slewed - See "Slewed." British & US, since the late
Half sober
Half-sprung - US, mid 1800s.
Half stiff
Half the bay over - Cf. "Half seas over."
Half the bay under
Half there
Half tipsy
Half under - Nearly down and stuporous, or partly drunk.
Half up the pole - Since the late 1800s.
Halfway over
Halfway to Concord
Hammered - Because one's head feels that way. US, since the mid 1900s.
Hammered to the eyeballs - Recorded in Canada in 1976.
Hammerish - Noted by Benjamin Franklin.
Hanced - British euphemism, meaning "elevated." 1600s to 1700s.
Hanging a few on
Hanging one on - Getting very drunk. Originally US, spread to Canada.
Happy - Mildly intoxicated, tipsy. "Happy juice" is liquor.
Since the 1700s.
Happy as a king
Happy drunk
Hard up - Since the late 1800s.
Harry Flakers - "Harry" is used in a number of terms in
Australian slang in the form of "Harry _______ers," filling the
blank with one of many slang words; "flakers" means tired. This
particular form originated in the services.
Harry Honkers
Harry Screechers - Drunk and hysterical.
Has a bag on
Has a big head
Has a brass eye
Has a brick in one's/the hat - From the swollen feeling in one's
head, or form the feeling of top-heaviness and the loss of equilibrium, as if
one had a brick on one's head. Since circa 1870.
Has a brindle taste in one's mouth - Cowboy slang for hung-over.
Has a bun on - From "bun," the buzz from drinking. Or, see
"Got a bun on."
Has a buzz on - Mildly intoxicated.
Has a cab - British (specifically London), late 1800s to early 1900s.
Has a canon
Has a cloth in the wind - See "Three
sheets in the wind." Either a "cloth" is a sail, or this term
comes from landlubbers who confused "sheet," meaning a rope used to
tie a sail, with the sail itself.
Has a crown-fire - Hung over. Logger's slang. A "crown fire"
is one that sweeps through the tops of trees.
Has a cup too much
Has a cut leg - See "Cut in the
Has a drop in the/one's eye - Slightly tipsy. Because the eyes are
reddened as if they have just been treated with medicine. British, since the
late 1600s.
Has a drop in the head
Has a drop too much taken
Has a flag out - See "Has one's flag out,"
Has a full cargo
Has a full cargo aboard
Has a full-grown case of booze blind - Cowboy slang.
Has a full jag on
Has a full load on
Has a glow on - Mildly intoxicated. Cf. "Glowing."
Has a guest in the attic
Has a head - Feeling the aftereffects of intoxication. Cf. "Got on
one's little hat."
Has a head on
Has a heat on
Has a jag - A "jag" is a drinking spree, or as much alcohol as
one can hold. US. Late 1800s.
Has a jag on
Has a keg aboard
Has a load - Cf. "Loaded." British & US, since the 1800s.
Has a load on
Has a load under the skin
Has a mouth - Hung over.
Has a mouth like a vulture's crotch
Has a mouth like the inside of a Turkish wrestler's jock strap
Has a mouth like the bottom of a baby's pram/bird cage/parrot cage -
all shit and biscuits
Has a mouth like the bottom of a crow's nest - all shit and twigs
Has a mouth on
Has a noggin on
Has a nose to light candles at - Suggests the redness of a drunk's
Has a package on - More common in Britain than in the US. Possibly a
variation of "Tied a bag on." Also, a "package" is a
"load" (cf. "Loaded").
Has a permasmile
Has a piece of bread and teeth in the head
Has a pinch of snuff in one's wig
Has a pot in the pate - Circa 1650 to circa 1780.
Has a pretty good glow on
Has a rosy glow on
Has a shine on
Has a shocking head on
Has a skate on - Suggests difficulty in walking.
Has a skinful - Very drunk. Cf. "Had a skinful."
Has a slant on - Based on "has a new slant on." Suggests the
unsteadiness of a sot.
Has a snootful - Suggests an elephant's trunk full of liquid, possibly
based on the fallacy that elephants drink through their trunks. US and
Canadian, 1900s.
Has a steamer in one - From the noisy breathing that sometimes
accompanies intoxication. Naval, since circa 1910.
Has a swollen head - Cf. "Got on one's little hat." Since the late 1800s.
Has a talking load - Drunk and talkative. A "talking load" is a
degree or condition of intoxication marked by loquacity.
Has a thick head
Has a thick tongue
Has a touch of boskiness
Has a turkey on one's back
Has an edge on - Slightly intoxicated.
Has as much as one can carry - Cf. "Loaded."
Has ballast on board - Originally a nautical expression that referred to placing heavy material on a ship to stabilize it when it’s empty of cargo.
Has been in the bibbling pot
Has been in the sun
Has been dipping rather deep
Has been kicked in the guts
Has been making fun
Has been paid - Cf. "Giffed," "Paid."
Has been to a piss-up at a brewery - British.
Has beer goggles - Is so drunk that one hits on somebody who is
unattractive. US college slang.
Has bet one's kettle - To "bet one's kettle" means to be
Has boozed the gage
Has broken the teapot - Has resumed drinking alcohol after a
period of abstinence. "Teapot" may be a pun on
"teetotaler." Cf. "Fell off the wagon."
Has business on
Has business on both sides of the way
Has bunged one's eye - To "bung one's eye" means to drink a
dram, or drink until one's eye is "bunged up," or closed.
Has burnt/burned one's shoulder
Has cats at one's feet - Because the staggering gait of a drunkard is like someone trying to avoid stepping on cats.
Has corns in one's head - Noted by Benjamin Franklin
Has cut one's leg - Cf. "Cuts one?s
leg." Late 1600s to mid
Has dampened one's mug
Has dipped one's bill
Has drink taken
Has drunk more than one's bled
Has drunk more than one's share
Has drunk oneself into an alcoholic stupor
Has eaten some Hull cheese
Has fallen off the wagon - See "Fell off the
Has flipped one's lid/wig
Has froze one's mouth
Has gallon distemper
Has got a cup too much - Since the mid 1600s.
Has got a skinful
Has got one's skin full
Has got the flavor
Has grog on board
Has had a few
Has had a skinful
Has had a sniff of the barmaid's apron - See "Sniffed
the barmaid's apron."
Has half a bag on
Has heated one's copper
Has heated/het one's kettle
Has hung one on
Has knocked one's link out - Circa 1730 to circa 1770. Also "Has
knocked out one's link."
Has lost a shoe
Has made an example
Has made too free with John Barleycorn - See "A date with John
Has more than one can hold
Has on a barley cap - Cf. "Wearing a barley
"Barleysick." 1500s to 1600s.
Has on an edge - Slightly intoxicated.
Has one's back teeth afloat/awash - See "Back teeth
Has one's back teeth underwater
Has one's back teeth well afloat
Has one's/a flag out - The "flag" in this phrase is the flag
of defiance, or the bloody flag, signifying that one is drunk. Also, a
"flag of defiance" is a drunken carouser. Alludes to the redness of
the face. Cf. "Flagged," "Flying the
ensign." Nautical.
Has one's/the gage up - See "Getting one's gage
Has one's/the head full of bees - Suggests the "buzz" of
Has one's head on backwards
Has one's malt above one's wheat - See "Malt above the
Has one's nuff
Has one's pots on
Has one's soul in soak
Has one's teeth under - Cf. "Back teeth
Has one's teeth well afloat - Since circa 1870.
Has one's wet sheet aboard
Has paddled - See "Paddled."
Has punch aboard
Has rats in the attic - Crazy and/or weak-minded due to intoxication.
Has sacrificed at the shrine of Bacchus - See "Drunk as
Has scalt one's head pad
Has seen the French king
Has shot the cat - Properly, to "shoot the cat" means to vomit;
but since drunkenness often leads to vomiting it means to get drunk also. Cf.
"Whipcat." British.
Has smashed the teapot - See "Has broken the teapot."
Has snakes in one's boots - Suffering the delirium tremens. US, 1800s.
Has sold one's senses
Has spliced the main brace - To "splice the main brace" means
to have a drink of liquor, or to drink heavily. In the British navy, sailors
who performed the difficult task of splicing the main brace - the rope that
controls the mainsail - were rewarded with an extra ration of rum.
Has spoken with one's friend
Has swallowed a hair/hare - See "Swallowed a
Has swallowed a tavern token
Has taken a chiruping glass
Has taken a grown man's dose - A "grown man?s dose" is a
very large quantity of liquor. A "dose" is as much spirits as one
can hold.
Has taken a horn - Tipsy. A "horn" is a drink of booze.
Has taken a drop
Has taken a drop too many
Has taken Hippocrates' Grand Elixir
Has the Aunty Ems - When one lies in bed and the whole room seems to be
Has the back teeth well afloat
Has the big head - Cf. "Got on one's little
Has the blue johnnies
Has the flavor
Has the heebie-jeebies
Has the Indian vapors
Has the jim-jams
Has the malt above the meal/wheat - See "Malt above the
Has the malt above the water
Has the Mexican vapors
Has the rats
Has the ripples on - Has consumed more than one's rightful allotment of
drink. From the "ripples" used to increase a cart's capacity.
Has the screaming meemies
Has the senses reeling
Has the shakes
Has the staggers
Has the sun in one's eyes - Euphemism implying a drunk's staggering
gait is due to sun-blindness. Or, may refer to the red complexion and bloodshot
eyes from excessive drinking. Since at least 1770.
Has the teeth well afloat
Has the teeth well under
Has the uglies
Has the whoops and jingles
Has the yorks
Has the zings
Has tied on the bear
Has under one's cap
Has wet both eyes
Has whipped the cat - See "Whipcat."
Has yellow fever
Hasn't got no pain
Haulin' hell out of its shuck - Drunk and peevish. Cowboy slang.
Haunted with evil spirits
Having a cooler
Having a high-heeled time - Cowboy slang.
Having a time
Having a tumble down the sink
Having a warmer
Having the eyes opened - An "eye opener" is a drink of spirits,
esp. a mixed drink, taken in the morning.
Hazy - Confused with drink. British & US, early 1800s to early 1900s.
H.B.D. - Medical abbreviation for "has been drinking" to
indicate that a patient is sloshed.
Heading into the wind
Heady - Strong spirits that quickly impair the imbiber are called
"heady" liquors.
Hearing the birdies sing - From auditory hallucinations or the
"buzz" in the head.
Hearing the owl hoot - Cowboy slang.
Hearty - British, 1800s.
Heated - Because alcohol gives one a warm sensation inside.
Heated one's copper
Heated with brandy
Hee-hawing around
Heeled - Perhaps because one is tilting.
Heeled over
Heels a little
Helpless - Very intoxicated, blotto. British & US, since the mid
Hepped up
He's a dead man
He's a king
He's Prince Eugene
Het up
Hiccius doccius/Hicksius docksius/Hixius doxius - From "Hic est
doctus," a term used for jugglers. Latin (possibly dog Latin) for
"This is a learned man." British, mainly 1600s to 1700s.
Hiccus - Shortening of previous term.
Hicky/Hickey/Hickie - Tipsy, not quite drunk. From "Hiccius
doccius," for from dialectic "hick" for "hiccup."
British & US (more US use), late 1700s to 1800s.
Hictus doctius - Variation of "Hiccius doccius." Late 1600s.
High - Usu. means tipsy. Common since the 1600s.
High and light - Tipsy, slightly inebriated.
High as a cat's back
High as a fiddler - See "Drunk as a
High as a fiddler's fist
High as a Georgia pine
High as a kite - Very drunk. Both an elaboration of "High" and
rhyming slang for "Tight." British & US, since the late 1800s.
High as a lone star pine
High as a space shuttle
High as a steeple
High as Lindbergh
High as the sky
High in the saddle - Probably of western (cowboy) origin.
High lonesome - As a noun, means a drinker on a drunken spree. To
"get on a high lonesome" is to go on a toot. Cowboy slang.
High up to picking cotton
Higher than a giraffe's toupee
Higher than a kite
Higher than Gilroy's kite
Hit - Short for "Hit and missed."
Hit and missed - Rhyming slang for "Pissed."
Hit by a barn mouse - See "Bitten by a barn
Hit on the head by the tavern bitch - See "Tavern bitch has bitten one on the head."
Hit under the wing - Tipsy. Wobbling like a bird that has been wounded
there. Late 1800s to mid 1900s.
Hit one's kettle
Hitting 'em up
Hitting it
Hitting it a bit
Hitting it a little
Hitting it up
Hitting the booze
Hitting the bottle
Hitting the hooch
Hitting the jug
Hitting the red-eye
Hitting the sauce
Hoary-eyed - From the bleary eyes. A Cockney variation of this is
Hockey/Hocky - Usually means drunk on "hock," which originally
meant strong stale beer. British, late 1700s to late 1800s.
Hocus - "Hocus" is an old term for drugged spirits, from
"hocus," to spike or induce stupefaction by drugging wine or liquor.
Hocus-pocus - Cf. previous term. British, early 1700s to 1800s.
Hog drunk
Holding up the lamppost/wall
Honked - A "honking" is a drinking session. British armed
Honkers - Very drunk. A "honker" is a drink of strong spirits.
British armed forces and office and shop lady talk.
Hooched up
Hoodman - Means blind drunk. From the term for the person blindfolded in
blind man's bluff. Refers to the drunk's inability to move about easily.
British, 1700s.
Hoodman blind
Hopped - Originally drug lingo, used esp. for beer (reinforced by the
"hops" used in making beer).
Hopped to the eyelids
Hopped up
Hopping hipped - Drunk and quarrelsome.
Horizontal - Very drunk, lying on the floor. Services, since circa 1935.
Horrid - Since circa 1780.
Hosed - Means either wet, beaten, or tricked.
Hot - Bahamian slang, from now-obsolete US term. Also suggests the
perspiration at one stage of intoxication. Cf. "Heated."
Hot as a red wagon
Hot coppers
Hotter than a boiled/biled owl - Fighting drunk. See "Drunk as a
boiled owl."
Hotter than a skunk
Housed - US campus slang.
How-came-you-so - British & US, since the early 1800s.
However many sheets one has, they're all in the wind - See "Three
sheets in the wind."
Howling drunk
Hugging the bottle
Hung one on
Hung out the bloody flag - Continuously drunk. See "Has one's
flag out."
Hung out the flag of defiance
Hunted a tavern fox
Hunting the fox down the red lane - Getting drunk. The "red
lane" is one's throat. Since at least the mid-1800s.
Hurting a turtle
Hydromancy - Applied to a maudlin souse.
Hyped up - Probably originated as drug lingo.
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