Welcome to the first web page celebrating the marriage, romance and friendship of Jasper "Jax" Jacks and his new bride Alexis Davis Jacks.
Last Update on 9/20/99!!!
BUZZ~~~ 56% adamant in loyalty to Jax/Chloe Ned/Alexis 44% never imagined how much they could enjoy this fiery duo This is terrific news for our couple!!!! I know, I know, it would have been better if we had the majority, but a couple that is not being written as romantic and is not being promoted as such has almost as much fan support as the ***two*** couples that do have those things. This is great!!! Sept : In Logan's TV Guide Article he stated: "In 1889, unexpected chemistry between stars was considered gold, and soaps were willing to switch story plans on a dime to take full and glorious advantage of it. Now if the chemistry doesn't suit daytime's desperate drive for young demos, it goes ignored. Case in point: The writers and producers at GH- who haven't shown a lick o' sense in months- refuse to pair Ingo Rademacher (Jax) and Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis) romantically, even though their sparkling, sexy interplay is a huge hit with fans. Heaven forbid that Rademacher, who GH execs insist be teamed with a young, vacuous tomato, be stuck with a -gasp!- olderwoman who is vital and fascinating. What a shame. What a drag. What a weird message to send to a predominantly female audience."
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