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Welcome To My Pipes 4

Here are more of my pipes. This is about the end of my collection.

RadiceBentRindBlast.jpg (56360 bytes)Radice Rind full bent. A great smoking pipe with a nice balance to it. It is a wonderful addition to my humble little collection.
RadiceClearSpiral.jpg (34346 bytes)This is a Radice Clear done with a spiral shank. The spiraling continues onto the stem without an interruption. It is absolutely beautiful.
RadiceRindRhodesian.jpg (44633 bytes)Another Radice Rind. This one in a Rhodesian shape and tan in color. This pipe holds a lot of tobacco. Very light for the amount of                            wood in it.
Savinelli120thAnnPipe.jpg (34148 bytes)This is the famous Savinelli 125th Anniversary pipe. I found one unsmoked and grabbed it up. I think it is one of the best shapes                            they have ever done.
SavinelliNonPariel9121.jpg (33992 bytes)Savinelli Non Pariel. This is one of the best smoking pipes that Savinelli has ever put out. At least it is for me.
SavinelliOscarAppleTapered.jpg (34502 bytes)Savinelli Oscar apple shape. For being a very inexpensive pipe, this one smokes very well. I am quite happy with the Oscar line.
SerJacBandBentOdd.jpg (56884 bytes)A Ser Jacopo that is different. A great smoking little pipe that is very easy to hold in the mouth. It draws a lot of attention when I am smoking it out and about.
SerJacCymatriumCalabash.jpg (40410 bytes)A beautiful Ser Jacopo Cymatrium Calabash. It is just the right size and extremely light to hold in the mouth. The silver work on it is the nicest I have seen in a while now. It has wonderful grain too.
SerJacopoBentHorn.jpg (43881 bytes)A Ser Jacopo with a horn insert. It is a shame that they double stamped the model name and I can't read it. It is a tremendous smoker and holds a prominent place in my collection.
SerJacopoSpongiaBent.jpg (39718 bytes)This pipe is a lot larger than it looks. It is a Ser Jacopo Spongia. The blast on it is done just right.
SerJacopoTelolonth.jpg (38951 bytes)A Ser Jacopo Telolonth with a silver flock. I got this from Dale Adkins on a trade. I really like this pipe.
SerJacRowletteDrip.jpg (40363 bytes)A Ser Jacopo Rowlette. It is done with the drip wax finish. Just one heck of a pipe.
StanwellBuffaloBent.jpg (38465 bytes)Here is one fine smoker. A Stanwell Buffalo. I love this pipe. It one of the favorites of the whole bunch.
StanwellDanishStar.jpg (33498 bytes)Stanwell Danish Star. Wonderful cut and grain. Great smoke with a real feel to it.
StanwellRook.jpg (35225 bytes)Stanwell Rook freehand. Light, easy to hold, wonderful to smoke. For the money, Stanwell pipes are a great value.
StanwellVario.jpg (40617 bytes)Another of my favorites. A Stanwell Vario. It was purchased from a very good friend on a whim one day. I love this pipe.
WaltCannoyFreehand.jpg (65495 bytes)A Walt Cannoy with an Antler flock. I got a heck of a deal on this pipe from Walt himself. It smokes wonderfully and sits in the mouth just right. I can smoke this one all day and still want more of it at the end.
WOLarsenSquatBulldogShort.jpg (29867 bytes)A small W.Ø. Larsen. Any shorter and it would be a nose warmer. Great for doing work around the house and not bumping it into                             things along the way.

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