Patient X

Krycek sends Marita Covarrubias packing back to her consortium masters.

Krycek:  [offscreen in Russian]  You there.  Under what authority are you corrupting this crime scene?  [He makes his way over to Marita Covarrubias]

Marita Covarrubias:  [in Russian] Under the United Nations Charter, chapter 7, articles 39 and 42…

Krycek:  Your authority isn't recognized here.  Only your lies.

Marita Covarrubias:  These are UN Peacekeepers.  This is a mission of mercy.

Krycek:  This is a mission of fear.  Yours and the men you work for.

Marita Covarrubias:  I don't know what you're talking about.

Krycek:  You go back and you tell them what you've seen here, what you've found.

Clone Episode Inspired:  Tailor!Krycek

Memorable Lines

When Marita Covarrubias insists on knowing what the boy saw at the mass burnings:  You tell them to kiss my American ass.  (I can't get enough of that line!)

Hottie potential

Having gotten a better look at Krycek's face during that scene on the ship I have to give him a 10.  He's got that stubble thing working which I really, really like.  Hoo boy!

Crimes and Misdemeanors

Homicide:  Killing that doctor just added another body to his resume.

Bribery:  Not that it got him very far (next time give more money) but offering money for the guard to go away is definitely bribery.

Kidnapping:  Snatching Dmitri for his other nefarious purposes gets him this charge.

Extortion:  Not that I'm feeling sorry for the consortium but Krycek did extort them.

Theft of services:  I seriously doubt that he paid for his transport.  If he did I'd certainly demand a refund if I were him.

Public ludeness:  Doing the nasty in the nasty hold of that ship gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "doing the nasty."  Of course as they were inside the ship and not out on the street I suppose it doesn't really count as public ludeness but I'm including it for aesthetic reasons.  That ship really was quite disgusting.

Krycek has been a very, very busy double agent in this episode.

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