
Krycek has to set Mulder correct on just whose case he's about to run off on.

Mulder:  Listen, I appreciate the show and tell, and I don't want you to take this personally, but I work alone.  I'll straighten things out with Skinner.

Krycek:  It's my case, Agent Mulder.  Look, I may be---green, but I had the case first and I'm not going to give it away so quickly.

Typical of Mulder to try to horn in on someone else's case.  Especially considering how territorial he gets about his.

Clone episode inspired:  Green!Krycek

Krycek's first appearance on The X-Files is as a green agent.  Probably fresh from the academy but it was never specified.  I would hope that he was a rookie and as such couldn't afford decent suits on his own as it's painfully obvious that the consortium (for whom we learn he is working for by episode's end) doesn't give their people a decent clothing allowance. The suit was hideous!  Gray was definitely not the way to go.

Of course the hairstyle he was sporting wasn't doing a hell of a lot for him either.  That slicked back look wasn't working for him and there was way too much gel in it.  I'm thinking it was CSM or one of the syndicate higher up's idea because once he was on his own the hair definitely improved.  Besides, I'd like to think that Krycek has a bit more style sense that that.

All this is not to say that Krycek looked ugly.  If you look past the unattractive trappings you can tell there's a good looking guy under there but the bad suit and hair is all that sticks out in mind at first sight.  (Personally I suspect it was done on purpose to make you hate him but I've already mentioned that.)

Memorable lines

To Mulder after catching up with him post ditch:  I paid off your cab. Hey, I don't appreciate being ditched like someone's bad date.

Hottie Potential

Very low.  A one for this episode.  If you have to look that that deep you're not likely to find it.

Crimes and Misdemeanors

Nothing at this time.  While someone clearly stole Mulder's files there's nothing onscreen which would prove that Krycek did it.  Especially since he claims to have no clue as to how Mulder got his information.  (Assuming he didn't steal it and lie about having stolen it.  A distinct possibility knowing Krycek.

The shooting of Augustus Cole was labeled a clean shoot.  (I'll refrain from making the obvious comment about how police agencies always seem to find some way to justify a shooting no matter how far backwards they have to bend to do so.)

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