Ghost in the Machine

Go ahead take credit for my work. God forbid I should actually remind people that there's more to me than UFO's and aliens

Scully:  How come you two went your separate ways?

Mulder:  I'm a pain in the ass to work with.

Scully:  Seriously.

Mulder:  I'm not a pain in the ass?

Oh yeah Mulder, you are a pain in the ass.  This is another episode which is short on Punkisms but there is still a couple worth mentioning.  That Mulder just can't seem to behave himself.

General Punkesque Behavior

Lying to his partner:  Tsk, tsk, Mulder!

Not being more wary of Claude Peterson:  Now a man confesses to a crime he didn't commit in some weird attempt to keep technology out of the hands to the defense department who's just salivating trying to get their dirty mitts on it.  Government thugs throw you out of a crime scene by obviating a subpoena that you asked for and yet we blindly trust Claude Peterson based on what?  The potential of Peterson being a mole never occurred to the alleged wonder of the FBI?  Good thing Scully was around to save Mulder's ass.

Unprofessional Behavior

Showing up late for a meeting:  Not exactly the way to wow the agent in charge.

Criminal Activity

Destroying evidence:  By destroying the computer he destroyed evidence how the crimes were actually committed.  Of course, I don't see how he had a choice but still a crime's a crime right?

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