
This is what happens when one turns one back on people one doesn't trust

"Now I don't trust them.  I want to trust you."

Trust is a big thing with Mulder.  Too bad he's constantly making Scully prove she's trustworthy.  And just how does he repay her?  By ditching her and questioning her on a constant basis.  Very nice.

This case seemed to be doomed from the start with Mulder spouting theories about the possibilities of alternative life theories.  Then of course there's the bodies lying around.

General Punkesque Behavior

Patronizing!Mulder strikes again.  Don't you just want to kick him sometimes?

Okay, now you know that people were murdered in an enclosed area.  You hear a noise in the middle of the night.  So what do you do?  Do you get your partner before wandering around or do you investigate alone?  Well we all know which one Mulder picks.  He's lucky he didn't end up dead.

Mulder's paranoia strikes again.  Okay, I understand not letting Dr. Hodge examine him but what about Scully?  She's his partner for Pete's sake.  Instead he waits until after he's been confined in the storage room and after hours have passed before letting Scully examine him.  What the hell is wrong with him?

Performing the surprise inspection as Scully was leaving was such an obvious power play.  Big macho man!

Mere minutes after telling Scully that he didn't trust Hodge or De Silva why oh why would he do something as stupid as walking in front of them?  That entails turning your back on someone you don't trust.  Can we say dumb ass?

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