The Jersey Devil

This is what happens when Scully's not around to save Mulder's ass     "Eight millions years out of Africa..."

And some people are still acting like boneheads.  Mulder really knows how to cultivate friends.  He just can't seem to not alienate people in the towns he does his investigations.

General Punkesque Behavior

Handing Scully a file then running off.  Could he stick around give Scully some background info?  He seems to always have more info than the file offers and yet he never wants to share.

Yet another ditch.  Leaving Scully to drive alone in Friday night traffic back to D.C. so he can run off to investigate a case in which he had no jurisdiction.

Mulder must have the word "chump" tattooed onto his forehead.  First, he gives some guy money before getting the goods.  Then his reaction is "Are you hustling me?"  What did he expect the man to say?  "Oh yeah, this is a big old scam.  I just wanted to see if you'd pay up?"

Okay what was the deal with that whistling thing?  Did he really expect it to work like some kind of Siren's call?  Really!

Asking Scully to cancel her date.  Gee you don't ask for much do ya?  You have no life so your partner's not allowed to try to have one either?  Very nice Mulder!

Beeping Scully when he knew damn well she was on that date.  Very rude!

I know this is a cheap shot but Mulder did get his ass kicked by a girl.  Even if she was a beastwoman.

Unprofessional Behavior

Putting Scully on the spot by lying about their reason for the visit.  Nice way to treat your partner.  Scully should have slapped you!

I actually groaned aloud when Mulder pulled out that hand drawn picture.  Come on now!  It looks like something someone's five-year-old drew.  It could hardly be called credible evidence.  Had Scully been there she would have said the same thing.  Is it any wonder he ended up in the drunk tank?

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