Small Potatoes

After suffering from a bout of technology amnesia Mulder kicks in Scully's door to discover what could have been had he not been such a Punk.

Scully:  I don't imagine you need to be told this Mulder, but you're not a loser.

Mulder:  Yeah, but I'm no Eddie Van Blundht either.  Am I?

No Mulder you're not.  Eddie Van Blundht playing you listened to what Scully had to say and actually seemed interested in talking to her which is more than can usually be said for you.

General Punkesque Behavior

Pardon my French but Mulder is such a chickenshit bastard.  While Scully is talking about how great it is that they found the body of Mr. Edward Van Blundht intact, Mulder breaks the tail then scurries away so he won't be around when she finds out.

Talk about insensitive!  It's really not nice to tell a man who you kept from getting dressed to keep his clothes on.

After all that happened during "Never Again" you'd think that at the very least Mulder would get Scully a nameplate and put it on the door.  We all know Scully won't do it and it would go to show that Mulder does indeed consider Scully his partner.

What the hell is wrong with Mulder?  He escapes from the hospital basement where Eddie Van Blundht had imprisoned him knowing that Eddie is currently using his [Mulder's] form.  He figures that Eddie would go after Scully so what does Mulder do?  He drives over to Scully's apartment without bothering to pick up the omnipresent cell phone to call her.  Then once he arrives he kicks in her door without bothering to knock first.  So what is it did he forget he had a cell phone or does he just get off kicking people's doors in?

Mulder's sarcastic comment to Scully at the prison about not being an Eddie Van Blundht was uncalled for.  I'm sure Scully feels bad enough about what happened without Mulder pouring salt into the proverbial wound.

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