Season Eight Denials

Top Ten Reasons Why I'm Ready to Disavow any knowledge of Season 8

10.  Poor use of my favorite Russian Hottie.

9.  Gross abuse of "dramatic license" with Scully's elephant pregnancy.

8.  Overuse of what is becoming an X-Files cliché:  Mulder's "death."

7.  Poor explanation of why the aliens were interested in Scully's baby and why after all the excitement they did nothing.

6.  One word:  Badlaa

5.  Two Words:  John Doggett.  He may not have been the hatchet man for A.D. Kersh that he was supposed to be but he's no Scully either.  At least Scully treated Mulder with respect even when she thought he was nuts.  I don't sense the same from Doggett.

4.  The idiots in charge (TIIC) didn't let Krycek put a well deserved bullet in Kersh's head.

3.  No explanation of Gibson Praise:  What the hell happened to him and when are we going to find out?  Or is he doomed, like Krycek to be a convenient plot device?

2.  John Doggett on a solo mission:  Without Mulder, Scully or Krycek I'm not interested.

And the top reason why I'm ready to disavow any knowledge of Season Eight is:

1.  TIIC killed off Krycek in a way that was completely unworthy of a great character!

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