the wabbit pages About Esperanza wabbit's drawings page Espy's coloring page
The bunny menagerie wabbit's friends pages Esperanza's Secret Garden wabbit's html pages




This page is under construction. But here's what we have so far:

Here's a bunny pikshure I made! wabbits buny pikshure
Here's a second pikshure I made a couple months ago.
And here's a pikshure Spyder and I made on 3 September 1998. Spyder drew it and I helped her color it. It's a pikshure of how I used to be trapped in the tower and nobodee knew I wuz there and I was very sad. Somebody will write more about the Tower later, but Spyder sez you can read a thing we wrote about it before here, in snippets of childhood. wabbit in the tower

Please check back soon for more drawings!

love you bunches of carrot lunches!

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the wabbit pages About Esperanza wabbit's drawings page Espy's coloring page
The bunny menagerie wabbit's friends pages Esperanza's Secret Garden wabbit's html pages