Hiro Kurishawa

Born: Aug. 3rd, 1978 in LA
Astrological Sign: Leo
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Likes: Fighting, reading, Playing Magic: The Gathering
Dislikes: Being ignored and rejected
Hobbies: Martial arts, reading, playing magic: The Gathering
Special Strenghts: I can analyze someone’s fighting techniques, stances, and moves and find flaws.
Weakness:  His weaknesses are his depression. Once he gets depressed it would
take a lot to get him out of it.
His other weakness is his anger. It takes a lot to get him REALLY angry but when he does.....???
Has trouble With:Emotions
Fav. Food: Okinomiyaki
Least Fav. Food:Haggis
Fav Subject: Phys Ed
Least Fav. Subject:Math
Best Subject: Phys Ed
Worst Subject: Math
Fav. Animal: Dragon
Least Fav. Animal: None
E.C.A. Martial Arts Affiliation: Capoeria, Kung fu
Signature Phrase: Battle Cry " Give your soul to your lord because your ass is mine!"
Whenever "What the hell?"
Dreams/Goals: To live life to it's fullest.
Force balls: Small energy balls that explode on contact.
Blast Radius: An eruption within 4ft( circular) goes upward and anything next to me gets hit.
Rephase: Sudden bursts of energy. Increases all senses and abilities, but only ;lasts a couple seconds and really takes a lot out of me.
Psycho: Lashes out with a barrage of attacks. Doesn't care what's in his, way just attacks. This move hasn't been mastered yet. The only way this move occurs is when he is REALLY angry. Which is not often due to his cool attitude.
Weapon of Choice:He knows how to use a sword, but prefers his fists.
Physical Appearance: I wear a GI and I have long brown hair, which is tied up in the back.
About 5'11, 145 lbs. somewhat of a built body. American.
He's a nice guy. He likes to think things through...sometimes. He likes girls and would do just about anything one would ask...within reason of course.
History: Hiro is sort of a wanderer. Unlike Ryoga he is smart ( b Average in all his classes). He's been into The martial arts all his life. Since he was born he's always had a thing for it. Around the age of 10 he found a teacher to teach him Capoeria and kung fu. After his parents passed away because of cancer he dropped out of highs school when he was a junior. Since then he's been practicing and learning more about himself and his arts. He figures he can get better action in Japan. Who knows? Maybe he will.
Additional Info:
Well I hope this is ok. You can mold him any way you choose just within reason please. If there is anything else you want to know just ask and I'll tell you.


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