Stephen Edwards
Age: 17
POB: New York
DOB: 10/10
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 169
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown, short.
Background: Stephen's parents were gunned down by a thug.  Stephen spent most of his time wandering around, looking for ways to survive.
Abilities: Language understanding: Can learn any language within time.
Intelligence: Not brilliant but knows how to handel himself in a situation.
Ki-shapes: Can summon his ki into various shapes (i.e. weapons, vehicles, etc...)  His Ki can hurt anybody but himself.
Weaknesses: The thug who killed his parents called him a 'faggot' before taking off.  Whenever Stephen hears that word, he freezes, and eventually breaks down.
Crush: Kasumi (because she looks like his dead mother).
Curse: Changes into chimpanzee every time (no, not every time water is poured on him) but every time he gets scared out of his wits.


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