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Welcome to the only Navahl worshiping page on the internet! Don't ask me why there aren't more sites dedicated to this sexy, sauve, ultra smooth anime character. Unfortunately, Fire Emblem did not seem to be a popular video game nor a popular anime movie (I can't see why not!) in America. However, it is my duty to commit myself to promoting Navahl awareness! Enjoy your stay and feel free to contact me here or here!
NOTE: This page is based on the Navahl from the anime movie.

Updated: 1/16/99: Joined the Dream Super Combo web ring (the best one ever!). You should too! ^_^ Also, please note the change in my e-mail address.

An extensive collection of Navahl pictures (currently 72) compiled solely by me (one of the many advantages to having a digital camera), so don't steal anything without giving me credit and/or a link to my page, k? I hope that's not too much to ask. ^_^

Since I can't make movies, I figured this was the next best thing. I hope you appreicate the painful hours I had to endure to take all these pictures and then animate them. I mean, clicking that button on the top of the camera is hard work.. er.. well it does hurt when you've been playing nothing but Battle Arena Toshinden 3 for hours on end.

Confused about who this Navahl person really is? (aren't we all...). A few facts and very brief background of this mysterious character (he had such a "minor" role that we don't get to find out much about him). Oh yeah, if some knowledgable person happens to know more about Navahl, please contact me!

Not to mislead you with the name or anything, but this section does not have Fire Emblem manga, just a few pictures in manga style and hopefully some fan art coming soon. Navahl looks somewhat different in these pictures, but he's still gorgeous!

Cute Navahl quotes!

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Dream Super Combos
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