
Suede are splitting, again!?
Things are always like this when the band don't have much news. Rumours about their split had been flowing around the cyberspace. Bad news to the bored news-makers -- they're NOT splitting. According to the recent news from NME. The band members are now already in the studio. The up-coming album is in the making.

SUEDE have just returned to the studio to begin work on their fifth album, the follow-up to last year's ‘HEAD MUSIC’, can reveal.
Contrary to reports on other websites and in other publications, the band are not on the verge of splitting but instead yesterday (May 1) went into a studio in Hastings to work on a series of demos.
A spokesperson for Suede told "They just started yesterday. They have some stuff prepared - Brett's been writing and has ideas ready - but they will work through a lot of different ideas."
He denied the claims of a band split.
"All of them are in the studio," he said, "Neil's [Codling, keyboard player] back to full health and they are keen to record. Remember, they only finished a world tour in February, so they haven't really taken much time out."
The spokesperson added that at present there were no producers or collaborators in studio with the band.
"They tend to test people out over one or two tracks before settling for anyone. But they're not at that stage just at the moment."
It is unlikely that any new material will appear before the end of the year. The news scotches rumours of a band disintegration, said to have been brought on by disappointing sales of ‘Head Music’.

Once again, trust only the official news.

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