Close Encounters of the Codling Kind
(story by Lucy McGeei)

When I first saw Neil in the room it wasn't the case of the room went quiet and our eyes met. It was more like: "I'm finially in the same room with Neil Codling and I'm Bloody Knackered - - Typical!"

He wwandered towards me, black hair slicked back, cheekbones to die for and corduroy trousers so tight that they would have to be surgically removed, not forgeting the fag hanging out of his mouth and wailed: "Has anyone got a light?" I could see this man's nicotine withdrawal after the last cigarette he had was 10 seconds ago.

His face lit up when I finally told him that I had a light but someone beat me to it; but hey, I'm the one he talked to! We didn't really get talking until the last photo had been taken before I went home. He was winding me up but never playing Plymouth again and we were generally having a giggle. I put my hand out to shake his but hie were rather full with a mobile phone, beer and a fag. however, after a bit of juggling we clasped each others hands. this is when he really surprised me by not letting go of my hand and said: "Hanf on," and after dropping his survival kit (beer and fag) to the ground, bent down and kissed my cheek. At that point, i decided that i wouldn't let go now that i had dinally got hold of him.

Then not only did i shock my parents but also myself with what was to follow: I only go and say: "Neil, what whould really make my day would be if you kissed me on the lips!" He wasn't exactly resistant but wasn't jumping for joy either but he did seem amused by the idea. then, after a quick roll of the eyes and a slight grin, he asked Sam: "Is it in my contract?" To which she reploed: "I's in the small print, Neil, and you have to do whatever I say!" Our little group started to laugh and Neil, stay ying in control, after a slight laugh, said okay, turned towards me, looked at me for a while and then kissed me on the lips (Oooh noo!) I am not sure what his reaction was afterwards as I was too busy creaming and punching the air and declaring my love for Sam for getting him to kiss me. Susi was still in daze after meeting Brett so i don't think she noticed (I didn because my brain was still under control even the rest of my wasn't) Everyong else looked like they had been shot. I'd just like to say to all you Neil groupied -  he's very good! i don't think I would ask him again -  no I'd ask him to slip me the tongue next time!

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