Welcome To Rainman's Links, Jokes, And 20th Century Perspective!

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Want Links?  There are over 300 GOOD links on this site, all verified on August 10, 1999.

Wanna laugh?  Check out the Jokes!  MORE JOKES THAN EVER!!!!!!!

20th Century Perspective...as if you would expect something else from a guy named Rainman1999!

Learn Something In the DID YOU KNOW section, or Rainman's Facts.

Or just say hi to me in my GUESTBOOK!

So, pick your spot and go to it!  Hope you like it!


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E-Mail Me!

You are VISITOR NUMBER Hit Counter since October 1998.

The last update was on 08/15/99.

I'm working on this as much as possible...updates come at least once a week, and more if time permits!



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