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The Howling of Wolves


It’s a warning sez he
Heard in the night
An eerie shivery sound
Filling listeners with fright
The howling of wolves
Your hair stands on end
Unearthly, foreboding
Deaths message to send
Stop scandal mongering sez she
Grow up, act your age
There’s no wolves in Ireland
You put me in a rage
That’s the point sez he
That’s how you know
It’s just like a banshee
Someone’s got to go.
It’s a family thing sez she
You say true enough
You must be half mad
To make up this stuff.
It’s the howling of wolves
Keening and wailing
No drowning them out
You know what there saying
She woke very troubled
And heard the dreadful sound
The crying screaming pitch
It was no earthly hound.
Her heart raced
It pounded, it tore
She cried out his name
And then was no more.
He found her later
Half out of bed
Unplugging the tape recorder
He softly said
Your heart wasn’t strong
The doctors were right
Thank God for the wolves
Howling in the night.