About the Webmistress[es]


Okay, this is where you get to learn all about me, Julie!

<And me, Kareis 924!>

Just ignore any Yeerks that may pop up. ::Privately: How did you manage public thought-speak?!::

<The unnamed Controller in #19 did it. Why can't I?>

She does have a point. Anyway, here's a little information about me, the webmistress of the Animorphs Vortex, ::glares at personage of Kareis:: as well as any alter egos/fanfic leaks who also wish to speak.

Basic Profile:

Name: Julie [you know the drill]
Age: I'd really like to say so but then you'd loose all respect for me. I'm under 18, though.
Species: Let's just say that I'm not a Helmacron. That narrows it down quite a bit, dosn't it?
Subjects in School: I have received my Metods of Torture list, otherwise known as the Schedule, recently, and have discovered that I will be subject to World History, Journalisim, Drama and Chemistry, alternating with H. English III, H. Algrebra II, Spanish II and Computer Tech I.
Hobbies: Writing, Surfing, talking on the 'net, reading (I like Animorphs and Tolkien), normal stuff-with-friends and saving/destroying the world, not nessesarily in that order.

<There's no picture, of course. You know eight sub-sections of the Yeerk Empire want us dead? Besides, Julie dosn't photograph well.>

You can contact me at:
Juli885680@aol.com: Mail here for just about anything else, or if you want to contact me through AOL, which is the browser I use. (Can't say I'm too crazy about it, but oh well . . .)

More About Me:

Well, most of my personal life is highly classified information. Even if I did reveal it, I'd have to change all the names and half the circumstances, which right now I'm feeling too lazy to do.
I like to write, which you may or may not be able to tell by the length of my fanfic. Oh yeah, and I'm actually a Controller named Kareis 924. She just goes latent most of the time so I can write this page for 'yall!

No, I'm not crazy or currently on any medication, but in "real life" I'm rather quiet, so when I get on the internet, and I get in The Mood, (which is helped by large amounts of sugar), "Kareis" takes charge, arguing with just about any Animorphs thing under the sun and getting angry at anyone who disses Yeerks.

In a polite way, of course.

<You know, K.A. has it all wrong. We are NOT trying to take over Earth and enslave humanity. We just want to start our own computer software companies. It's a very good buisness, because here the technology's so bad that just about anything we come up with is an improvement. Oh, before I forget, our entire system is run by Mircrosoft. Go Visser Two!>

Ah . . . okay.  ::Privately: Shut up, do you want our connection shut off again?:: Anyway, here's some more stuff about me.

Well, this is more miscelaneous stuff by me so you can try to figure out for yourself exactly what kind of person I am instead of me having to write a long, involved essay on the subject.

::Some Hork-Bajir cheer in the background::


TV Shows:

The X-Files - my current obsession
The Simpsons
Daria (my role model)
Ally McBeal

I do have some other interests, too.


::Ignoring her:: Anyway, I'm a fan of general sci-fi. I love the Pern and Rowan books by Ann McAffery, as well as Tolkien's sagas of Middle-Earth (well, that's not sci-fi, but it gets put in the same group) I also love the show Babylon 5. For some reason I'm not able to get into Star Trek, but I'm hooked on B5 (which is weird, because I have an ultra-Trekkie friend who can't get into Babyon 5) and, Trekkie or not you should at least watch a few eps. The new season's not coming until around June, so they're re-running it on TNT, and you can catch the finale of the first season. Also, please go to The Lurker's Guide to Babyon 5, which has tons of info on B5, plus a complete episode guide for each ep, so if you join in in mid-season, you can get filled in on all the people and places.

I also love Japanese anime and manga. Mostly my taste runs in shoujo ("for girls") stuff like Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon (Sailor Moon) and Shoujo Kakumei Utena (Revolutionary Girl Utena). I also like the Ghost in the Shell anime and various mangas, from Scorcerer Hunters to Magic Knights Rayearth, and I adore almost anything by CLAMP (especially X/1999).
Anime Links:
Rabi's X Page - One of the best pages for this extremly cool manga.
THE UTENA ENCYCLEPEDIA - Characters, Images, Scripts, you name it.
Ghost in the Shell - The official site for the manga and anime. You should at least read the synopsis, it's a very interesting and thought-provoking story.
Mixxine/Tokyo Pop - The 'zine that provides translations to some of my favorite manga, like Magic Knights Rayearth and Parasyte.

<Ah, so you do have a life, but you're just obsessed with all these things no one else your age or corner of the globe has ever heard of!>

<Shut up!>

::Battle of wills ensues::

::Struggling to type keys:: I . . . guess . . . that's . . . all . . . for . . . now . . .

::Suddenly, she starts typing with ease again:: Just ignore, um, that Yeerk-thing. Oh, I almost forgot, here's a link to my favorite social orginazation, The Sharing!

Julie: <What are you DOING? I thought you were . . .>

<Hah! Little chance of that!>

:: More struggling ::

::Labored Typing:: A . . . link . . .Back Home  . . .

::Maniacal Laughter::



<Note: Excuse the content of this segment. The author, while denying all accusations that she was under the influence of any sort of illegal substance, was slighly unbalanced at the time. Have a nice day! Y'all come back now, y'hear?>