Downtown San Francisco Photos
Downtown SF InfoDowntown San Francisco Photographs
   Many people do not think of the down town area nor the financial district when they think of San Francisco. They often spend little time looking around because of the horrid traffic and astronomical parking costs. However, for those who find the time to browse the area they are in for a pleasant surprise. Admits the colossus sky scrapers are neoclassical Greek and Roman buildings. Built in the 20's to emulate the cities re-birth after the earthquake of 1906 and world war one, these buildings boast the Doric, Ionic and Corinthian styles of architecture in modern marble. Its neat to spend an hour or so admits these styles in the second largest city in California.

   One thing that these photographs also show is the lack of space in the down town area. Every cubic foot is taken up in some way, and as you can see by the first picture, buildings are often squeezed in spaces you would not think would be possible or practical. Another such example is the Transamerical Pyramid

   Note, these photos were taken around five and the sun was rapidly setting so they are all a little dark.

   If you have any comments please feel free to e-mail me .

Click on a title or on a thumbnail to view a larger photo.

A Bank and

Doric Temple?
Or a Bank.

A Tight Squeeze
for this bank

Ionic Columns

The Pacific Exchange

Corinthian columns
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All photos by John L. Polos
Copyright September 7, 1998