This is my baby...Scootie, she is sooo cute! |

Snowball Bush |
My Cousin, Janice's flower bed. |

Isn't it beautiful?! |

"Lobelia" |

Thornless Hawthorne Tree |

One of my flowerbeds |

Honeysuckle Bush |

Watering the flowerbeds |

Blackeyed Susan Vine |

My Rockbed Flower Gardens |

More of my flower beds |

Yellow Hybrid Lilies |

Field of Sunflowers in Michigan |

Lollipop Lilies |

A few pictures from my husband, Ernie's garden.


Giant Cabbage |

Random Summer Pictures

Brevort River, where it empties into Lake Michigan. |

Josh & Luke, Brevort River, Lake Michigan |

My Niece Jody in Brevort Lake |
"Rock Rapids" (Carp River) This is a place many .. |

...people love to fish, camp & have cookouts. My brother Randy was married here. It is beautiful. |
This is me, Vicki many years ago, with my BIG ... |

...catch of Brook Trout on the South Branch of the Carp River. |

Beautiful Michigan Summer Sunset |

The 4 Seasons |
Summer in Michigan: There are lots & lots of things to do in Michigan in the summer,
gardens, flowers, swimming, sailing, fishing, cook outs, camping, picnics, hiking, bicycling, walking,
picking berries...strawberries(wild & tame), blueberries(wild & tame), raspberries(wild
& tame) wild sugar plums, apples galore, pincherries, chokecherries they all have a use whether fresh eating, baking a
pie or making jams & jellies. Then there's also going to Mackinac Island, Taquamenon Falls, Pictured Rocks, Isle Royal,
the State Fair & many smallar ones, there are lots of things I have no idea about.Every town has something going on, check
with their Chamber of Commerse. Oh...& St.Ignace has the largest Antique Auto show in the US. It is the 3rd weekend of
June. It lasts 3-4 days. It attracts thousands of people to that area.
Gaylord has it's Alpine Fest, I believe in July.