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Careful What You Wish For v. 2 part 2

by Zappy

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A few minutes later a very young Sarah walks out of the bedroom. She pops a bubble and jumps onto the couch. Bobby and Missy stand with their mouth wide open in shock, "MOM!!!"

"Yah. I guess. Look I don't look or feel like a mom, can we just drop that and you guys call me Sarah? I mean if people see you calling me Mom, they might be a little shocked." Sarah giggles to herself.

"I guess," the kids reply still in shock.

"Now you guys get going to school! Today I am gonna let you guys take the bus."

"But you never let us take the bus, you say you don't trust us to go straight to school"

"Well I changed my mind, get going!"

The kids hurry out, Sarah goes to the kitchen to make some breakfast. KNOCK KNOCK. Sarah opens the door to see a young teenage boy standing there in "old" clothes.

"Sarah?" the boy walks in while holding up his pants.

"Thomas? You are young too!" Sarah hugs him only to feel him stiffen up.

"What is happening to us? I mean people don't just get younger."

"I don't know, but as weird as this sounds I like it. I mean I feel alive, my body feels incredible. Kids don't understand how good being young is."

"OK that is fine for now but we need to find a way to change back or at least stop the growth. When did this all start for you?" Thomas says as he sits down on the couch grabbing a nearby piece of paper and a pencil.

"Hmm <POP> I think it was like the day after my birthday." Sarah sits down on the couch next to Thomas and smiles while playing with her hair.

"That is when it started for me too. Did you make a wish at your birthday party??"

"Yea I wished to be... That's it! OK I made a wish and it came true!"

Thomas puts his head in his hands, "How do u fix wishes?!"

Suddenly the paper starts to glow and a writing appears to be being appearing on the paper. It says--- "Seek your answers at "Spells R Us". See the old man, go now"

"OK[sigma] now is when I wake up, right"" " Thomas blurts out.

"No problemo, all we do is go to Spells R Us."

"HELLO where the hell is that!"

Again writing appears on the paper and an address appears. They both jump into the car and head downtown to the local mall. After stopping so Sarah could buy a slurpee, they head into the non-descriptive shop. A older man and a young man about 19 are talking in the back.


"Yes, I am coming!" the old man yells, "Josh stay back here and this time DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING!"

The old man comes to the front dressed in a purple bathroom and bunny slippers. His age is widely apparent by his wrinkles and hunched back.

"Thomas[sigma] Sarah[sigma] I know why you are here. I unfortunately am the bearer of bad news. The wish that was made by you both is unbreakable. However I can help you by giving you a potion that make you age back to your normal age, with a few side effects."

"U mean this wish is breakable, right"

"No you Thomas wished that you could experience youth again, and Sarah, you wished that you could be young again. They wish must be complete but only by accepting your wishes and enjoying them can you end them. You will decrease in age to newborns, but this potion can and will revert you back to normal. Now take it and please leave." A loud crash is heard in the back... "Damnit Josh what did you do now!" the old man yells. "I swear if you weren't my grandson I would change you into a Horse and sell your dead body to dog food makers!"

The young couple walk out the store witht the small vials of potions. Thomas truns back and notices the shop is gone.

"So we are gonna become kids, how do I explain this to my mom!" "Hey, it might be cool. I mean young is cool, we should get you some new clothes."

Two hours and three hundred dollars later, Thomas and Sarah arrive home. They look like two seventeen year old kids. Thomas is wearing baggy pants and an oversized shirt and Sarah is wearing a short tank top and little tiny shorts.

"See that was fun, admit it." Sarah says as she rubs her hand on the front of Thomas's shirt.

"Yea, I guess it was." Thomas mutters back, as his body starts to react like any normal teenage male body would.

"You know I am not sure if it is all these teenage hormones, but you are really cute." Sarah whipsers as she kisses Thomas. Her hands began to room his body. She pulls off his shirt and kisses his developed but hairless chest. Thomas begans to undo her bra and pull her shirt off, her breasts amaze him. His body full of hormones is alive him pleasure. They have sex two or three times and fall alseep shortly after.


Careful What You Wish For v. 2 part 3

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Other Stories by Zappy


Copyright 1998 by Zappy. All rights reserved.


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