Welby Archer Koo Self Defense

Koo Self Defense is a great way to stay in shape along with great techniques for street self defense. I know personally from my own experience.

My name is Welby Archer. I have been attending Master Koo's studio in Downtown Cartersville, Metro Atlanta, Gerogia, USA for almost 2 years now, this May 1999. I will very soon test for my Black Belt at Koo Self Defense and I am so proud of what Master Roger Koo and I have accomplished together.

Koo Self Defense is a terrific way to build self esteem. When I first started, it felt strange but Master Koo is a patient instructor. He does not scold one hard, but teaches constructively.

I attend classes at least 3 to 4 times per week and have been staying in great shape and at optimum physical fitness without worrying about "dieting". All of the students at Koo Self Defense work to their level of fitness and they all expend tremendous amount of energy at every single class that they attend.

Stress that is build throughout the day is worked out completely during class by hitting focus mitts and shields as hard as one can possibly can endure. I can't explain the wonderful sense of well being when I'm finished working out. It feels great to feel this wonderful without the help of drugs or alcohol. I don't need them or never use them in my life. Staying in top physical fitness and well being is what true life is all about.

I have been told by Master Koo that my power in my punches have strengthened trememdously over time. I've recently gotten a chance to use my techniques at "The Tough Man Contest" in White, GA. last year (1998). It works! The opponent was much heavier that I, but he went down with my power punch the very first time. That totally speaks for itself. I didn't get to return for the finals the following day due to my work schedule, but I felt that I had a very good chance of winning the tournament. Maybe next year, I will return to finish the tournament.

One thing is certain, I will use Master Koo's "fail proof techniques."

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Welby Archer

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