About the JAZZNOTE
You'll find it all in the Musicians pages: the wonderful world of bebop jazz--check it out!
Smoking instead of blowing is bad for your health About the JAZZNOTE
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Itchin for a gig...at the JAZZNOTE
A Word on Links...at the Jazznote
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What we're all about...at the JAZZNOTE
(a work in progress)

Here at the JAZZNOTE we are attempting to provide easy access to information regarding the moving forces of "bop" jazz, the movement of "modern jazz" that emminated from the clubs of New York City (particularly 52nd Street) in the mid-forties and was steadily taking hold by the early '50's. The main players of this movement were Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, Dizzy Gillespie, Thelonious Monk, and Bud Powell--at least, these are the names that we have become familiar with over the decades.

The truth is that many more players, whether working alongside the forementioned or following shortly after, were nearly as prominant in their time but have since faded. Racial tension, drug addiction and early death took a considerable toll among the ranks of these young musicians. But many more were simply not understood by the general public, their talents recognized only by their peers--not enough to propel them to legendary status. Eventually, we at the JAZZNOTE hope to pay especial tribute to those who have fallen to the wayside of jazz history, to provide emphasis to the names that, though unfamiliar to the casual browser, are worth learning about, listening to, and perhaps bringing home for greater enjoyment.

However, as will be stated repeatedly at the JAZZNOTE, information on many of these artists is scarce and we have only just begun to gather what will in time be dozens of bios and images, sound bytes and reviews. For this reason we invite (perhaps even beg) you, the visitor, to pass on any pertinent information you may have come across, scanned images, or just comments on albums you've come to appreciate that perhaps have not been adequately treated at the JAZZNOTE. Also, from jazz musicians and "music theorists", we would greatly appreciate information on the specifics of their respective instrument or study that might shed greater light on the talents of these artists.

How to use this site--the JAZZNOTE menu bars and symbols

MUSICIANS--Simply put, the bulk of interest lies in the MUSICIANS pages. From the MUSICIANS menu (accessed by clicking the MUSICIANS bar seen to the left) click on any musician in whatever form he is mentioned and enjoy his individual page. The content of each page is presented in chronological order beginning with nativity followed by formulative years of study and associations. This will then be followed by a continuing history punctuated by selective discography and reviews:

--Our rating system is simple. Recommended selections are marked by a single "check". Two "checks" designate a selection as essential, the criteria based on a controversial balance of not only performance but CD length as well. We at the JAZZNOTE abide by the principle of "it's all good so give me lots of it!" True, there are bound to be exceptions, but rarely glaring ones. The quality standards of such record labels as Blue Note and Prestige was extremely high. The check is therefore an easy indicator of plenty of bang for your buck.

--These MPEG sound files can be accessed whereever the "" appears. This will usually be in the caption text of a featured selection (easily accessed by the PICKS menu bar--see below for more details) or at the top of that respective artist's page so that you can peruse the page at your leisure during the often long process of downloading the sound file.

PICKS--Our five "featured" CD selections are easily accessed by clicking on the PICKS bar to the left. The five featured album covers will then appear at the top of your browser. Click on a cover to gain direct access to its respective review and sound file.

HOME--Click on the blank bar or "...at the JAZZNOTE" to return to the above front page.

Coming soon: NEW--Check out who and what is new at the jazznote.

LINKS--Click this bar for access to what will eventually be a comprehensive LINKS page, providing easy access and reviews of the many wonderful sites that have been heartily enjoyed by the creators of the JAZZNOTE, as well as direct access to our essential sponsor, CDNow. For your convenience all links within the JAZZNOTE are internal (meaning they will not send you to another site on the World Wide Web) while all those sites on the LINKS page punctuated with a globe ("link.somewhereelse") will take you out of the JAZZNOTE.

FOR USERS OF TEXT-ONLY BROWSERS--As you've probably noticed there is a row of line-bracketed links at the bottom of that image-laden "front" page above. At the bottom of every page you should find a "HOME | TOP | ARTISTS" menu bar which should simplify site navigation. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

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