Facts of the Berlin Wall

Berlin-Wall and me in 1978

The Berlin-Wall and myself in summer 1978, at Checkpoint Charlie.

Some statistics of the Wall and border as of 30th September 1980.

The facts are about the Wall and Fences - the constructions
Demarkation Line-Total Length: 165,7 kilometers
Concrete Wall: 107 kilometers
Mesh-Wire-Fence: 55,4 kilometers
Concrete Wall, House-Fronts (Ruins) and Property Walls: 9 kilometers
Contact or Signal Fence: 123,5 kilometers

Measurements I have taken (I only put up some here):
Height of the old Walls are 3,20 meters high with the barbed wire, if there are two brick layers on the top of the Wall.
The modern Wall (like the one on the first image on this page, I am leaning and sitting against the Wall) is 3,683 meters high.

The borders / The Berlin-Walls/Fences

A cross section of the border with the Walls, Fences etc...
Click on the image to get it larger.

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Facts of the Berlin Wall Love Poems for the Berlin Wall THE BERLIN WALL SOLUTION - Temporal displacement
Why the Berlin Wall was built THE TRAGEDY OF 9th OF NOVEMBER 1989

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Landbildstelle Berlin
Text Copyrights: EKLÖF-BERLINER-MAUER, Liden, Sweden

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Designed May - 2000 by Berliner-Mauer. Last modified June 29, 2001.
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