The Berlin Wall

Since I first heard of the Berlin Wall in 1961, I got attached to the Wall. In the 70's and the 80's I have been to Berlin five times. I have also built several models of the Berlin Wall in different scales.
More about the Berlin Wall at The Berlin Wall Official Homepage.
More Berlin Wall pictures at my postcard collection Berlin Wall post card collection

The Berlin-Wall.14,7Kb

The Berlin Wall was built the night between the 12th and 13th of August 1961, in East-Germany Deutsche Demokratische Republik. Thos picture shows the Wall at Sebastianstrasse in Kreuzberg (district within Berlin). This photo was taken September 13, 1961. Click on the picture to make it larger.
Foto: Landesbildstelle Berlin.

The Berlin-Wall-BrandenburgerTor.44,4Kb

A well-known Berlin-picture showing Brandenburger Tor with the Wall in front of it. This part of the Wall were much lower than the others. Photo taken in September 1977. Click on the picture to make it larger.

The Berlin-Wall.14,7Kb

Another old picture, probably from 1961 - 1962. Click on the picture to make it larger.

The Berlin-Wall.96,2Kb

This picture of the Berlin Wall is from Harzer Strasse. I took this photo in August 1980, when I was to Berlin. Click on the picture to make it larger.

The Berlin-Wall.96,2Kb

The Berlin-Wall border to East-Berlin at Niederkirchner Strasse. Here they are building the new Wall in January 1977. The old Walls were replaced by these new ones, which was much higher, and had a round tube on the top, which made it harder to climb over. Click on the picture to make it larger.
Foto: Landesbildstelle Berlin.

The Berlin-Wall potsdamer Platz 1962

The Wall at Potsdamer Platz July 28th, 1962. Since the Wall was built, two more "brick" layers have been added, plus the Y-stuff on the top for the barbed wire. The Wall here is 3,20 meters high with the barbed wire.
Click on the picture to make it larger.
Foto: Landesbildstelle Berlin.

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Photos on this site are protected by copyright. You may not download or use them without the prior written permission of the photographer/copyright holder. Photo & Copyrights: Eklöf-Berliner-Mauer,
Landbildstelle Berlin
Text Copyrights: EKLÖF-BERLINER-MAUER, Liden, Sweden

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Designed March - 1998 by Berliner-Mauer. Last modified January 14, 2003.
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