Bad Ash Head Quarters
What the hell do you want now?
Rad Stuff
Watch Us Go Down In Flames
Our Own Deranged World
The Vault of Insanity!!
Come on in....FOOLS! Mwhahah!

<--- Sign Our Gustbook! On the "What The Hell Do You Want?" Page! (At the bottom)

The Bad Ash Experiment

-Update 12/16/04-

Yeah...I don't think anyone comes here anymore, but oh well. Finished taking screens of The Sims 2 for the BAex2. We'll start adding all the funny stuff later. But it most likely wont be on this site. We are gonna get a new one because Bad Ash is pretty much dead now. But if we do still post it I assure you it will be quite funny. I can laugh at a lot of these screens even without captions.

New site? More than likely.

New band? Maybe.

Skankin' Monkey just got a drum set and is learning how to play it. Psycho Mantis just got a geetar and is learning how to play that. I am trying to improve my skills on bass. And Sheets...well he can still play trumpet, I hope. Maybe we'll throw him on keyboard or something.

*~Goofus out - So Long, Farewell~*

-Update 9/18/04-

So, The Sims 2 came out a couple of days ago. And do you know what that means? I'll tell you what it means! The Bad Ash Experiment Part 2! That's right people; since the first one was so funny we decide to do another one. If ya wanna sneak peak check out the vault.

Also, a few tweaks on a couple of pages, new quote, fixed the counter, and the lyrics for Chia (Where did you go?) are up.

*~Goofus out - So Long, Farewell~*

-Update 9/13/04-

So even though we broke up dosent mean we can't have fun, right? Anyway I put up a new comic in the Vault. You should go check it out. It's really like 3 years old, i just found in on my computer and was like 'oh yeah, i was suppose to put this on the site.'

*~Goofus out - So Long, Farewell~*


This Just In...

Sheets and Goofus leave band to go become lemming farmers in Canada, Psycho Mantis also quit right before going on a wild shooting spree killing Doost Box and severly damaging a mail box, Country Dave blew up in a tragic Auto Grape accident, while Skankin Monkey turned into a Dinosaur and went off to ravage Tokyo.

Coming up next, the weather.... 


-Update 9/8/04-

Well we got our cd made now thanks to goofus's brother in-law, it sounds pretty good. Im proud of it anyways. Since the Album dosent have a name I'm calling it Farewell For Now, cause i know were gonna try again, its what we do.
Till next time, yes there will be one,
__+88________ROCK_ON~!!!___________ _+880_____________________________ _++88_____________________________ _++88_____________________________ __+880_________________________++_ __+888________________________+88_ __++880______________________+88__ __++888_____+++88__________+++8__ __++8888__+++8880++88____+++88___ __+++8888+++8880++8888__++888____ ___++888++8888+++888888++888_____ ___++88++8888++8888888++888______ ___++++++888888888888888888______ ____++++++88888888888888888______ ____++++++++000888888888888______ _____+++++++000088888888888______ ______+++++++00088888888888______ _______+++++++088888888888_______ _______+++++++088888888888_______ ________+++++++8888888888________ ________+++++++0088888888________ ________++++++0088888888_________ ________+++++0008888888__________

~Skankin Monkey out~

-Update 8/1/04-

Wow, keeping a band together is hard work. Yep, that's right folks, we're back to square one.
So now we are currently on hiatus untill we can find another guitar player and drummer....if we even bother too. *sigh*
If you are interested hit us up.

*~Goofus Out - So Long, Farewell~*

-Update 6/23/04-

I gave the site a little more flare by adding a few pics here and there. I won't tell you where, you have to find out for yourself. But I will tell you I added Davids bio pic...on his bio.

*~Goofus Out - So Long, Farewell~*

-Update 6/20/04-

Hello all.
Well, there isn't much news to post that's why it's been a while between updates. Anywho I put up the lyrics for 'Maditory Song About A Girl' on the 'Watch us go down in flames' page, the other songs will be up soon enough.
Also a new REAL quote.

*~Goofus Out - So Long, Farewell~*

-Update 5/16/04-

So we got a lot of practice in and songs finished. Now we just kick it until we get a show to play all our new stuff.

*~Goofus Out - So Long, Farewell~*

-Update 5/3/04-
Well its almost been a month.  Anyway, sorry that we dont update alot but we've been busy.  Were working on getting the rest of our songs ready to record so we can get that cd out to those of you that care.  So until next time..
~Skankin Monkey Out~

Oh, one more thing. This Friday (5/7/04) Our friends Caffeinated Superheroes will be playing a big show at Chain Reaction with Starpool and a bunch of other great bands. So if you get a chance check it out, we will most likly be there.

*~Goofus Out - So Long, Farewell~*

-Update 4/5/04-

So its been a while huh?
Yeah, there hasn't been any really big news until now. We have been practicing a lot, had a few shows planed and then cancelled because of scheduling complications, witch majorly sucks. But anyway we plan to record our 5-song demo CD over spring break. Sweet huh.
Yeah, we are also trying to get some gigs so you can pick it up. We will let you know about that stuff later on.

In other big new we started plans for a new website! Don't get too excited though, it is still a ways away from being made but it should be really cool. Our own Dustin will be using his skillz to make it.

*~Goofus Out - So Long, Farewell~*

Our 5 Day Weather Forecast


Quote of the "freakin" moment:

Skankin' Monkey: My goal is to be as evil as possible.
Psycho Mantis: In life or the game?
Skankin' Monkey: Hmm....good question.

Archived Quotes of the "freakin" Moment

Got a quote that you think is "Quote of the 'Freakin' Moment" worthy? Well E-mail it to Goofus with the subject 'Quote of the Moment' and you might see your name up here!