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Links to placesnear and far, as eclectic and eccentric as we are.
The Cosmic Baseball Association: Pre-Raphaelite Roster
ArtMagick: Pre-Raphaelite paintings online
"Modernism is art about art. ... all of the great art in history is art about life."
The Blessed Damozel leaned outFrom the gold bar of Heaven….
Had the Pre-Raphaelites gone into alternative rock, they would have become the Bunnymen
Fifteen very detailed essays on albums, from Echo and the Bunnymen, Ian McCulloch and Electrafixion
An essay comparing singer/songwriter Ian McCulloch and Pre-Raphaelite painter/poet Dante Gabriel Rossetti
The Victorian Web -- lots of great articles
The John Ruskin Centre
"Yet of all the emperors there was one in my boyhood, I remember, a brave leader in arms, a lawgiver, famous for speech and action, one who cared for his country's weal…"
City of Shadows: Victorian London from a different perspective
Forum Romanum: ancient Rome and the Latin language
All about novelist Gore Vidal
The Custer Battlefield
A good man, wrongly accused, and vilified for five centuries….
A picture of Nathanial Hawthorne!
Pets 911(adoption/ lost & found)
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
The Rainbow Bridge
all about dogs
To the Land of Magnolias and Fajitas….
A terrific set of Democratic links
Spend a virtual vacation at a virtual country inn
Expert help on all things quotational
Harry Potter
A huge database of (mostly) dead politicians
All about Antarctica
Find the ghost
Accept no substitutes!